I have a SwiftuI App which includes an App Clip. There is one target for the iOS app and one for the App Clip. All good.
But I want to create a new target for the test flight app so that test users can distinguish it from the App Store app. E.g. Test Flight app has a different icon asset file in the target but is identical in all other aspects.
However, when I try to build the test flight target I see the message:
The com.apple.developer.parent-application-identifiers entitlement (...]') of an App Clip must match the application-identifier entitlement ('...') of its containing parent app.
This implies that I’d have to change the entitlement of the app clip, which would mess up the production version so I clearly don’t want to go that route.
Any ideas how to overcome this conflict?
Here's how to fix it...
In the target for the Test Flight App in the general tab you'll find a framework, library, clips section and this contains the reference to the clip ( a relic of copying the original production target.) This must be deleted. However, you cannot delete it here (if you try, you'll get warning popups etc but the deletion fails. )
Instead, navigate to the Build Phases tab and scroll down to the Embed App Clips section and here you can delete it. Warning: Make sure you do this in the test flight target not the production target.