Where can I find the documentation explaining behavioral differences in notification permission request windows across different versions?

I invoked the getNotificationSettingsWithCompletionHandler method of UNUserNotificationCenter on multiple test devices. After dismissing the notification permission request dialog (without explicit denial), the returned UNNotificationSettings object showed inconsistent authorizationStatus values across OS versions:

​**iOS 18:​ Returns UNAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined ​iOS 14.2:**​ Returns UNAuthorizationStatusDenied Where can I find official Apple documentation explaining this behavioral discrepancy between system versions?

Answered by Engineer in 826695022

Changes like these are usually documented in iOS & iPadOS Release Notes

As also noted in that document, for issues not mentioned in release notes, send feedback through Feedback Assistant..

When writing your report, please include the full version number in the title and in the description. This looks like “13 (17A_xxxx_).” You can find the full version number in Settings > General > About > Version.

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating a successful bug report.

Changes like these are usually documented in iOS & iPadOS Release Notes

As also noted in that document, for issues not mentioned in release notes, send feedback through Feedback Assistant..

When writing your report, please include the full version number in the title and in the description. This looks like “13 (17A_xxxx_).” You can find the full version number in Settings > General > About > Version.

Bug Reporting: How and Why? has tips on creating a successful bug report.

Where can I find the documentation explaining behavioral differences in notification permission request windows across different versions?