XCode Components fail to download

Summary: XCode components (eg. iOS Simulator Runtime, tvOS Simulator Runtime, predictive code completion model) fail to download / install.

I have tried to self-service this issue as much as possible before posting.

Description of Problem:

In XCode, I am unable to install predictive code completion model. The attempts fail with error Failed - There was an error transferring over the network. and details:

The operation couldn’t be completed. (IDELanguageModelKit.IDEModelDownloadAdapter.(unknown context at $11c762764).DownloadError error 2.)
Domain: IDELanguageModelKit.IDEModelDownloadAdapter.(unknown context at $11c762764).DownloadError
Code: 2
User Info: {
    DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2025-02-27 16:12:31 +0000";
There was an error transferring over the network.
Domain: IDELanguageModelKit.IDEModelDownloadAdapter.(unknown context at $11c762764).DownloadError
Code: 2

System Information

macOS Version 15.3.1 (Build 24D70)
Xcode 16.3 (23748.10) (Build 16E5104o)
Timestamp: 2025-02-27T08:12:31-08:00

The simulator runtimes fail with this, different, error Failed - download failed and details:

Download failed.
Domain: DVTDownloadableErrorDomain
Code: 41
User Info: {
    DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2025-02-27 16:27:04 +0000";
Download failed.
Domain: DVTDownloadableErrorDomain
Code: 41
Failed fetching catalog for assetType (com.apple.MobileAsset.iOSSimulatorRuntime), serverParameters ({
    RequestedBuild = 22E5200m;
Domain: DVTDownloadsUtilitiesErrorDomain
Code: -1
Download failed due to not being able to connect to the host. (Catalog download for com.apple.MobileAsset.iOSSimulatorRuntime)
Domain: com.apple.MobileAssetError.Download
Code: 60
User Info: {
    checkNetwork = 1;

System Information

macOS Version 15.3.1 (Build 24D70)
Xcode 16.3 (23748.10) (Build 16E5104o)
Timestamp: 2025-02-27T08:27:04-08:00

These specific error details are from the newest XCode-Beta, but the same issue persists with XCode.

Troubleshooting already performed:

  • I have tried uninstalling + reinstalling XCode and XCode-beta several times.
  • I have tried deleting ~/Libraries/Developer multiple times
  • I believe I am logged into XCode and OSX with my developer Apple account. Not sure how to verify if XCode is using this account during the download attempt.
  • I have tried reinstalling OSX. Previously it was stuck at 15.0.0, but reinstalling got the newest minor+revision version to 15.3.1.
  • I have followed the manual steps: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/downloading-and-installing-additional-xcode-components
  • I am able to manually download the components components from Apple Developer Downloads: https://developer.apple.com/download/all/ (The download works and is quick, so I don't believe this is a network issue)
  • There is PLENTY of drive space available (eg. 100s of GBs)
  • As this is a laptop, I tried disabling energy saving mode. It is running on AC power.

Additional Relevant facts:

  • Very strangely, I was able to download an iPhone 16e supplemental component
  • Network adapter: WiFi.
  • Internet connection: Comcast / XFinity cable
  • DNS resolver: tried using default for my network and tried switching to other public DNS including,
  • I tried looking in Settings > Privacy and Settings, Settings > Network for app-specific permissions / firewall settings, but I don't believe any are applied.
  • I'm not running sudo when I start up XCode.
XCode Components fail to download