Hello, We are experiencing slow launch time indicators in our performance monitoring tools(Crashlytics/DataDog/Xcode), and trying to understand what is the best approach to reduce it.
Currently, cold launch takes ~900ms on iPhone 16 Pro , but ~2s on iPhone 11. Profiling app launch detected that most of the time is spend on loading the libraries. Our app is massive, we use a total of ~40 3rd parties libraries + 10 internal libraries. We enabled the "mergeable libraries" XCode new feature however the app launch is as written above.
We also postponed some of the work in didFinishLaunch, which help a bit...
But maybe we are trying to achieve the impossible? Could it be that large apps just can't reach the golden 500ms goal?
Currently we are trying to create an "umbrella" library for all the third parties in order to force them to become part of the mergeable libraries. We would like to know if, are we on the right track?