Relatively new to AppleScripts in current gen (I've used it back in 2010s) and would like some help if someone can point me in the right direction.
Is AppleScript the best/only way to interact with Notes application? (I'm on Sequioa) 1.1 I've tried to use LLM to generate a Swift app, but it still calls out to AppleScripts, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something. 1.2 If I'm going down a rabbit hole, I'd like to stop since I want to finish this quick task and move on and or fall deeply in love with AppleScripts... whichever comes first.
Is There a better way to write notes? Script Editor is still a minimal IDE, I'd love to find something that will do some auto completion/suggestions because the documentation in the Script Editor is still a tad weak. (I'm used to interpreted languages like bash, ruby, etc...) where if I don't understand something I just dig into the code instead of turse documentation that just exposes public end points and does not tell you much more :(
My problem: I'd like to set up a cron that periodically checks my notes, and cleans up the shared notes. Basically it's a shared set of notes that have checklist on it and cleans up. (weekly chores etc...) I want to read the notes, find out which ones have been marked checked. Reset the ones that are done, leave unfinished ones alone and reset the old ones.
This is how far I've gotten:
let appleScript = """```
tell application "Notes"
set targetNote to note "\Test" of default account
return body of targetNote
end tell
That works like a charm, Kind of dumb because I rather use and ID of the note not the name :(
It returns the following
<div><b><span style=\\"font-size: 24px\\">Test</span></b></div>
<li> Not Done</li>
<li>Not Done yet</li>
<div>Single line</div>
Which is a good start!
There is no way to tell which Item is marked "Checked" and which one is not :(
Any helps is greatly appreciated!
AppleScript hasn't changed much since then; the documentation is still the AppleScript Language Guide (even though it hasn't been updated in a while). There is also the Mac Automation Scripting Guide.
If you are wanting to interact with applications, AppleScript is still the way to go - check the app's scripting dictionary for whatever terminology it provides. For Notes.app, a note does have an ID property.
The checkmarks appear to be a different feature separate from the HTML content of the note. It doesn't look like this functionality is exposed to AppleScript, although you can create new notes using your own HTML source.