App Review told me that my app can not be marked as a blood alcohol content calculator without the appropriate hardware. They refer to the expression "Promillewert", it is German and stands for "per mille value". They also referred to to the Guideline 1.4 (Physical Harm). Is the way how I used the words the problem or the app itself? My idea is to use the expression "Geschätzter Promillewert"/"per mille value estimation", but I do not want to miss the App Review again.
App is marked as a blood alcohol content calculator
Do you effectively reference to blood alcohol content ?
If so, the problem is the app itself, as explained by reviewer. Just changing the wording by speaking of estimation will most likely not be enough. It remains a blood alcohol value. And this has to be provided by approved hardware (there are likely legal liability behind this).
Is it the ‰ of alcohol in the blood that you are referring to? Or is it something completely different? (I know that gradients on railways are expressed in ‰, for example.)
If you are trying to create a blood-alcohol estimation app, I suspect that that is banned.
Thank you for your post. We're investigating this currently. A representative from App Review will contact you to provide further assistance. If you continue to experience issues during review, please contact us.