I’m trying to group my EntityPropertyQuery
selection into sections as well as making it searchable.
I know that the EntityStringQuery
is used to perform the text search via entities(matching string: String)
. That works well enough and results in this modal:
Though, when I’m using a DynamicOptionsProvider
to section my EntityPropertyQuery, it doesn’t allow for searching anymore and simply opens the sectioned list in a menu like so:
How can I combine both? I’ve seen it in other apps, but can’t figure out why my code doesn’t allow to section the results and make it searchable? Any ideas?
My code (simplified)
struct MyIntent: AppIntent {
@Parameter(title: "Meter"),
optionsProvider: MyOptionsProvider())
var meter: MyIntentEntity?
// …
struct MyOptionsProvider: DynamicOptionsProvider {
func results() async throws -> ItemCollection<MyIntentEntity> {
// Get All Data
let allData = try IntentsDataHandler.shared.getEntities()
// Create Arrays for Sections
let fooEntities = allData.filter { $0.type == .foo }
let barEntities = allData.filter { $0.type == .bar }
return ItemCollection(sections: [
items: fooEntities),
items: barEntities)
struct MeterIntentQuery: EntityStringQuery {
// entities(for identifiers: [UUID]) and suggestedEntities() functions
func entities(matching string: String) async throws -> [MyIntentEntity] {
// Fetch All Data
let allData = try IntentsDataHandler.shared.getEntities()
// Filter Data by String
let matchingData = allData.filter { data in
return data.title.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(string))
return matchingData