Displaying an email in mail preview pane by message ID

Hi, I want to open an email message with AppleScript. Everything is working correctly, but in the Mail app, instead of focusing on targetMessage, it highlights the email after the target message.

When I use:

tell targetMessage to open

the correct email opens in new window but the wrong email is highlighted in the Mail app list.

tell application "Mail"
    set targetAccount to missing value
    repeat with anAccount in every account
        if name of anAccount is "AccountName" then
            set targetAccount to anAccount
            exit repeat
        end if
    end repeat
    if targetAccount is not missing value then
        set targetBox to missing value
        repeat with aBox in mailboxes of targetAccount
            if name of aBox is "MailboxName" then
                set targetBox to aBox
                exit repeat
            end if
        end repeat
        if targetBox is not missing value then
            set targetMessage to missing value
            set oneWeekAgo to (current date) - (7 * days)
            set filteredMessages to (every message of targetBox whose date received ≥ oneWeekAgo)
            repeat with aMessage in filteredMessages
                    if message id of aMessage is "MessageID" then
                        set targetMessage to aMessage
                        exit repeat
                    end if
                end try
            end repeat
            if targetMessage is not missing value then
                if (count of message viewers) > 0 then
                    set mailViewer to message viewer 1
                    set mailViewer to make new message viewer
                end if
                tell mailViewer
                    set selected mailboxes to {targetBox}
                    delay 0.2
                    set selected messages to {targetMessage}
                end tell
                return "Found"
                return "Message Not found"
            end if
            return "Folder Not found"
        end if
        return "Account Not found"
    end if
end tell

Why is this behavior happening?

The problem is caused by the “Organize by Conversation” setting being enabled. Disabling this setting fixes the issue. So, is it possible to display the correct message while this setting is enabled?

Displaying an email in mail preview pane by message ID