I want to keep the sidebar fixed in NavigationSplitView. I don’t want the user to be able to open or close the sidebar. I removed the toggle button, but I still couldn’t make the sidebar stay fixed. It can still be closed using Cmd + Alt + S or by dragging.
What I want is just to disable the resize feature of the sidebar. Isn’t it possible with SwiftUI?
NavigationSplitView is kind of blackhole :)
.toolbar(removing: .sidebarToggle)
When I toggle a panel like navigationsidebar, I get a message in the console. I guess it's not a big issue, but is there a way to fix this message? because it appears in every project.
Unable to open mach-O at path: /AppleInternal/Library/BuildRoots/d187757d-b9a3-11ef-83e5-aabfac210453/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Binaries/RenderBox/install/TempContent/Root/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/RenderBox.framework/Versions/A/Resources/default.metallib Error:2
Hi, I want to open an email message with AppleScript. Everything is working correctly, but in the Mail app, instead of focusing on targetMessage, it highlights the email after the target message.
When I use:
tell targetMessage to open
the correct email opens in new window but the wrong email is highlighted in the Mail app list.
tell application "Mail"
set targetAccount to missing value
repeat with anAccount in every account
if name of anAccount is "AccountName" then
set targetAccount to anAccount
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if targetAccount is not missing value then
set targetBox to missing value
repeat with aBox in mailboxes of targetAccount
if name of aBox is "MailboxName" then
set targetBox to aBox
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if targetBox is not missing value then
set targetMessage to missing value
set oneWeekAgo to (current date) - (7 * days)
set filteredMessages to (every message of targetBox whose date received ≥ oneWeekAgo)
repeat with aMessage in filteredMessages
if message id of aMessage is "MessageID" then
set targetMessage to aMessage
exit repeat
end if
end try
end repeat
if targetMessage is not missing value then
if (count of message viewers) > 0 then
set mailViewer to message viewer 1
set mailViewer to make new message viewer
end if
tell mailViewer
set selected mailboxes to {targetBox}
delay 0.2
set selected messages to {targetMessage}
end tell
return "Found"
return "Message Not found"
end if
return "Folder Not found"
end if
return "Account Not found"
end if
end tell
Why is this behavior happening?
Hello, I've managed to get rid of these spaces in different ways. Using scrollview, giving negative insets, rewriting modifiers from scratch with plain style etc. But I couldn't solve this with a simple solution. I've read comments from many people experiencing similar problems online. It seems like there isn't a simple modifier to remove these spaces when we use sidebar as the list style in SwiftUI, or I couldn't find the simple solution.
I wonder what's the simplest and correct way to reset these spaces?
let numbers = Array(1...5)
@State private var selected: Int?
var body: some View {
List(numbers, id: \.self, selection: $selected) { number in
HStack {
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .leading)
I’m practicing with NavigationSplitView for macOS and customizing the sidebar. I’ve managed to adjust most parts, but I couldn’t remove the sidebar’s divider. It seems like it’s not possible in modern SwiftUI. My AppKit knowledge is also not very strong.
How can I remove the sidebar divider?
I want to use a plain background. I also solved it by creating my own sidebar, but I wanted to try it using NavigationSplitView.
Hi, when I run NavigationSplitView as shown below, the sidebar opens and closes smoothly.
struct TestingView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
} detail: {
However, when I add a minimum width, the sidebar animation starts to lag. I tried various wapping solutions, but I couldn’t get rid of the stutter.
struct TestingView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationSplitView {
} detail: {
.frame(minWidth: 800)
As a solution, I had to disable the animation completely:
.animation(nil, value: columnVisibility)
Is there a way to keep the animation without the stuttering?