In this video, tile fragment shading is recommended for image processing. In this example, the unpack function takes two arguments, one of which is RasterizerData.
As I understand it, this is the data passed to us from the previous stage (Vertex) of the graphics pipeline.
However, the properties of MTLTileRenderPipelineDescriptor
do not include an option for specifying a Vertex function. Therefore, in this render pass, a mix of commands is used: first, a draw command is executed to obtain UV coordinates, and then threads are dispatched.
My question is: without using a draw command, only dispatch, how can I get pixel coordinates in the fragment tile function? For the kernel tile function, everything is clear.
typedef struct
float4 OPTexture [[ color(0) ]];
float4 IntermediateTex [[ color(1) ]];
} FragmentIO;
fragment FragmentIO Unpack(RasterizerData in [[ stage_in ]],
texture2d<float, access::sample> srcImageTexture [[texture(0)]])
FragmentIO out;
// Run necessary per-pixel operations
out.OPTexture = // assign computed value;
out.IntermediateTex = // assign computed value;
return out;