We have a need to provide SIM verification. At present, accessing the phone number bound to the device is not programmatically accessible. Would Apple consider exposing this API via a user consent?
Otherwise, what is the suggested approach to verify the SIM card is the correct phone number on an iOS device?
We can’t answer questions like that on the forums. My general advice is that, if you want to see Apple change something, you should file an enhancement request describing your requirements.
Please post your bug number, just for the record.
There’s one specific affordance for this sort of thing in iOS: If you’re goal is to support UPI, you can use the -setUPIVerificationCodeSendCompletion:
Beyond that, the standard option is to ask the user for their phone number, send a code to that phone number, and have them enter it. This doesn’t guarantee that the iPhone is using that number, but it’s a clear indication that the iPhone’s user has access to that number.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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