Lock Screen Notifications - Swipe to open removed?

Is the change to notifications on lock screen intentional? I can no longer swipe a notification to go directly to that app. For example, received a iMessage, now I can only use 3D Touch to open the popup method, or I have to unlock and go to message and open the message. iOS 10 you could swipe the notifcation and go directly to the message. Same applies for other apps - yelp, messenger, facebook, twitter, etc.

Have you tried opening the popup dialogue and then tapping it to go to the app? Understandably that does take longer, but I also noticed that they removed that functionality even when the phone is unlocked, like say you are on home screen and you swipe down from top to get notification shade, now you can no longer swipe there as well.

True! Is it on purpose? On iPhone 6, without the 3D Touch you need to unlock the phone and open the app! Probably a bug? Cuz I can answer on a notification if I get one while I’m using the phone unlocked.

Removing Please swipe to clear functionality on the lock screen makes the lock screen useless. I use the lock screen notifications extensively I want to quickly overview the notifications and it clear them with they swipe and clear functionality of iOS 10. This requirement to deep wink pop up a dialogue and clear the message is three times As much work and also allows others to read your messages if they're looking over your shoulder that's invading your privacy. The lock screen is now absolutely and completely worthless. Apple, please re-introduce the swipe and clear functionality on the lock screen

Very frustrated with this as well. Doubt it's a bug but hopefully during testing if they get enough negative feedback they may reconsider it before launch. But with the big change to how the lock screen works in iOS 11, since swipe right now shows widgets instead of swiping to open and clear popus, its looking doubtful.

Unfortunately sometimes Apple needs to take a few steps back in usability to improve other items the believe more important. Not happy with the change either.

Lock Screen Notifications - Swipe to open removed?