WebRTC not working in iOS11 beta

WebRTC is not working on iOS11 beta on Safari.

getusermedia does not seem to correctly control the camera. The picture is always black.

Also on the google test pages


Any idea?


Can someone tell me why iOS 11 beta 10 getusermedia is still not working. Is Apple even going to fix this issue? Please someone with info please share. I’ve waited 6 years for Apple to support WebRTC. Last I heard was Apple was going to support getusermedia in there browser and being beta 10 was just released and it’s still not working has me a bit concerned.

Tested on an iPad Pro - worked. Beta 10.

Tested on an iPhone SE - didn't work. Black screen. Beta 10.

Hopefully this is fixed in the GM... 😐

Tested on an iPad Pro - worked. iOS 11 GM.

Tested on an iPhone SE - kinda/sorta works. iOS 11 GM. When the page loads I'm prompted for camera access. I tap "Allow". Then I have to press a Play button for the camera "live view" to work. On iPad I don't have to do that last step - pressing a Play button - the camera live view just shows up...

iOS 11 GM still not working on iPhone 7 Plus. :(

There is an issue with not having displayinline on the video tag, see: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=176843

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

when a page is added to home screen from Safari

navigator.mediaDevices in completely undefined

this is iOS11 GM on iPhone or iPad

So what is this status here? Not working on iOS 11 release, and no word or acknowledgment from Apple? Or is there some workaround we're not aware of?

the release also only works on ipad but not iphone.

WebRTC is not working on Safari11 New relaese. Any update from Apple?

<video id="localVideo" autoplay muted playsInline></video>

I fix this, set playsInline to video tag,https://webkit.org/blog-files/webrtc/pc-with-effects/index.html