Same App Name but Different Bundle Id

We know that we cannot change the bundle id of an app that is already published in the app store. But is it possible to somehow retain the App Name and publish it with a new bundle id?

Fore example, let's say if our app name is Blah. Then is it possible to change the app name of the existing app, in this case Blah, to some other name, say Blah Old and then create a new App and reuse app name Blah with a new bundle id that we are trying to use? So essentially, for limited time, we will have two apps, Blah Old with old bundle id and Blah with new bundle id. But eventiaully, we are hoping we can get rid of Blah Old app and continue with Blah app with the new bundle id, acheiving our desired result.

Kindly let us know your thoughts.

Technically, yes, same name can be used more than once in the store, at the same time, but only in the case where the original use of a name is in a different country from the additional use. There are no other scenarios available.

If your goal doesn't involve both at the same time, then follow this process, instead:

1.) Rename existing app to throwaway name. Was nameA, now nameB - requires an app update.

2.) Act quickly to use the nameA for another app before someone else grabs it. Submit to the store as usual.

3.) Delete old app (nameB) at your leisure - I'd make sure everything went as planned first by simply taking it off sale in all countries for a while.

As I just tried with my YET UNPUBLISHED + UNREVIEWED app now:
  • I can no longer change a bundle ID, the dropdown is simply grayed out for me

  • If I delete the app to free up the bundle ID to be removed (to recreate it further) - it doesn't work. Removed apps remain in removed apps section, where they can't be deleted permanently. So if someone tries to create arbitrary app IDs (even for testing functionalities like IAP and Leaderbaords) but later decides not to publish them, they STAY - never to be recovered back.

  • As of this writing, App store connect does not support creating an app ID with com.mycompany.myfavoriteAppId citing that this bundle ID is not available - even though I know that I have not used myAppId in any of my apps.

Does it check myfavoriteAppId availability across app store? I have no idea.

To be fair, App Store Connect is the most cumbersome piece of task in iOS development - due to poorly designed API, too much navigation, CRUD operation bugs, lack of command line / GUI based deployment tools (they just took away iTMSTransporter API - as of now there is NO KNOWN WAY of uploading bulk IAP to app store connect except for MANUALLY creating them.

Hi, I need to publish the same app as I already have, but with different bundle id. I plan to remove old one from the sale. Does this violates any policy because I will use the same metadata as in the old app? App will also be the same. Same features and content. Just different bundle id. The reason for publishing new app is the error with ads provider that only can be fixed by publishing app with different bundle id. Thank you your assistance.

Same App Name but Different Bundle Id