How to replace photo in Camera roll without duplicating.

Here are the steps that we perform in order to replace photo in the main Camera Roll collection:

1. We get PHAssetCollection collection:

func fetchAssetCollectionForAllPhotos() -> PHAssetCollection! {

let collection = PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollections(with: .smartAlbum, subtype: .smartAlbumUserLibrary, options: nil)

if let first = collection.firstObject {

return first


return nil


2. In order to replace photo we find index of the photo:

func searchImageIndex(identifier: String) -> Int? {

let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssets(in: self.fetchAssetCollectionForAllPhotos(), options: nil) as! PHFetchResult<AnyObject>

for assetIndex in 0..<fetchResult.count {

if let item = fetchResult.object(at: assetIndex) as? PHAsset, item.localIdentifier == identifier {

return assetIndex



return nil


3. Replace photo:

func replacePhoto(identifier: String, onImage image: UIImage, complate:@escaping (String)->()) throws {

guard let index = searchImageIndex(identifier: identifier) else { throw MediaManagerError.errorReplace }

try PHPhotoLibrary.shared().performChangesAndWait {

let assetChangeRequest = PHAssetChangeRequest.creationRequestForAsset(from: image)

let assetPlaceholder = assetChangeRequest.placeholderForCreatedAsset!

let albumChangeRequest = PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest(for: self.fetchAssetCollectionForAllPhotos())

albumChangeRequest!.replaceAssets(at: [index], withAssets: [assetPlaceholder] as NSArray)




As a result, in the main collection Camera Roll photo is duplicated, and if you change it in the custom collection, the photo changes without duplication.

How to replace photo in Camera roll without duplicating.