In iOS 9 does "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" no longer work in a web app?

The status bar now takes up space in my Web Apps. Has anyone else seen this?

Yes, and its now always white.

Yes, I'm seeing this too.

The top of the canvas for the HTML is now after the status bar instead of at the top of the physical screen (and in a 'layer' beneath the status bar), even though the content is set to "black-translucent". And when set to "black" it still shows as white, as PixelWeb states above.

The Safari documentation states: "If set to

, the web content is displayed below the status bar. If set to
, the web content is displayed on the entire screen, partially obscured by the status bar. The default value is
." (

So it's either a bug in handling of black and black-translucent, or they have decided to remove this feature from the 9.0 spec... :S I've put in a bug report.

I noticed this a while ago. I posted it on stack overflow and am yet to find a solution.

Been this way since the first beta. More conversation about it in Framework7's issues:

Any updates?

Also screen size detection has been changed. Web app/Safari does not recognize screen size changes. The screen does not resize properly. There has been a change from ios 8

This is still broken in the iOS 9 GM seed and the first iOS 9.1 beta.

This is actually pretty bad, first they broke support for clear status bar with black text on iOS 8, and now all the options are completely broken. Safari Documentation is out of date too

I wonder when they will stop adding new features and actually fix what's broken

I hope they fix it again - really annoying ......

Can we track the bug report?

I was able to downgrade most of my tablets to 8.4, but that no longer seems possible.

So now my webapp doesn't work properly anymore...

This is really frustrating for me too. It is more than just a cosmetic problem for us. Our application uses red-only light so that it can be run in a dark theater for presentations, without ruining your eye's dark adaptation. This bright white status bar completely ruins that.

Suggestion for Apple: make the background-color always transparent, don't let the status bar interrupt the page flow. For the text and icons, make them black or white the same way the scroll bar is coloured; based on the html background-color. White glyphs on a dark page, black glyphs on a light page. This way all webapp developers have to do is give a padding-top of 20pt and be done with it.

There are even more issues;

if you launch your webapp as standalone app, then activate guided access and then close your smartcover, the system is dead.

Opening the smart-cover will NOT reactivate the screen, leaving you in the dark.

The only workaround is then a hard reset...

The status-bar-issues still exist in iOS 9.1 (verified this a minute ago)

Has anyone heard anything more about this? Was this a planned retirement of this feature? Or could it be a bug?

**** it!

Can any apple guy confirm this?

Finally works on 9.2 beta 1

Can you describe WHAT works.

I want the full screen user experience back! Means: hide address bar, hide buttons at the bottom.

Any news about this?

My webapp keeps showing the URL and bottom bar instead of removing both when applying:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">

How can Apple keep like this without telling us anything? And without solving it, cause I find these features really nice.

On the other hand, Google keeps improving theirs ones, with the Chrome tabs customization.

Please, solve this asap.

Does this really work in 9.2?

This is still not working correctly. WHEN does the fix come out for iOS? Any good workarounds for this???

It looks as if the issues have been resolved in iOS 9.3. (bothe the lockng-bug as the status-bar-issues).

Can anyone else confirm this?

The address bar and footer bar is still visible in fullscreen mode in iOS 9.3.2.

It is so ridiculous that Apple does not fix this!

If the app is launched from the home screen, as always, there is no address bar or bottom bar. You have to launch it from the home screen icon, simply visiting the page is has no effect, and it looks like any other web page. AFAIK it's alway been like this. I'm on 9.3.4.

In iOS 9 does "apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" no longer work in a web app?