Using cktool

Before you begin

Installing the application

By default, cktool is distributed with Xcode starting with Xcode 13, which is available on the Mac App Store.

General usage

cktool is stateless and passes all operations to the CloudKit Management API in single operations. A full list of supported operations is available from the help command or the man pages:

xcrun cktool --help
OVERVIEW: CloudKit Command Line Tool

USAGE: cktool <subcommand>

	-h, --help				Show help information.


Authenticating cktool to CloudKit

cktool supports both management and user tokens, and will store them securely in Mac Keychain. You can add a token using the save-token command, which will launch CloudKit Console for copying of the appropriate token after prompting for information from the user:

xcrun cktool save-token			\
	--type [management | user]

Issuing Schema Management commands

Schema Management commands require the Management Token to be provided. Once provided, cktool can perform the following commands:

Reset development schema. This allows you to revert the development database to the current production definition.

xcrun cktool reset-schema	\
	--team-id [TEAM-ID]		\
	--container-id [CONTAINER]

Export schema file. This allows you to save an existing CloudKit Database schema definition to a file, which can be kept alongside the related source code:

xcrun cktool export-schema 		\
	--team-id [TEAM-ID]			\
	--container-id [CONTAINER]	\
	--environment [development | production]	\
	[--output-file schema.ckdb]

Import schema file. This applies a file-based schema definition against the development database for testing.

xcrun cktool import-schema 		\
	--team-id [TEAM-ID]			\
	--container-id [CONTAINER]	\
	--environment development 	\
	--file schema.ckdb

Issuing data commands

When a user token is available, cktool can access public and private databases on behalf of the user. This can be used for fetching data and inserting new records prior to integration tests. Note that due to the short lifespan of the user token, frequent interactive authentication may be required.

Querying records can be performed with the query-records command. Note that queries without filters require the ___recordID to have a Queryable index applied, as do fields specified in the optional --filters argument:

xcrun cktool query-records		\
	--team-id [TEAMID] 			\
	--container-id [CONTAINER] 	\
	--zone-name [ZONE_NAME] 		\
	--database-type [public | private] 	\
	--environment [development | production]	\
	--record-type [RECORD_TYPE]	\
	[--filters [FILTER_1] [FILTER_2]]

Where FILTER_1 is in the form "[FIELD_NAME] [OPERATOR] [VALUE]", for example "lastname == Appleseed".

Inserting data is accomplished with the create-record command:

xcrun cktool create-record		\
	--team-id [TEAM_ID]			\
	--container-id [CONTAINER]	\
	--zone-name [ZONE_NAME] 		\
	--database-type [public | private] 	\
	--environment [development | production]	\
	--record-type [RECORD_TYPE]	\
	[--fields-json [FIELDS_JSON]]

Where FIELDS_JSON is a JSON representation of the fields to set in the record. For example:

	"firstName": {
	"type": "stringType",
	"value": "Johnny"
	"lastName": {
	"type": "stringType",
	"value": "Appleseed"