App Store Review Guideline updates now available
June 7, 2021
The App Store is a safe and trusted place for customers to discover and download apps, and a great opportunity for developers. The App Store Review Guideline changes and clarifications support new features in upcoming OS releases, better protect customers, and help your apps go through the review process as smoothly as possible.
In addition, two updates have been made to the App Review contact form. If you appeal an app rejection, you can now specify if you believe your app was rejected due to unfair treatment (including political or other bias). And you can now report an app if you believe it presents a trust or safety concern, or is in violation of the App Store Review Guidelines.
- 1.1.4: “Hookup” apps that may include pornography or be used to facilitate prostitution will be rejected.
- 1.2.1: Added new guideline for creator content.
- 1.4.3 and 5.1.1(ix): Addressed in-app sales from licensed and legal cannabis dispensaries.
- 1.7: Apps for reporting alleged criminal activity must involve local law enforcement, and can only be offered in countries where such involvement is active.
- 2.3.1: Clarified that misleading marketing, whether it takes place inside or outside of the App Store, is grounds for removal from the App Store and the Apple Developer Program.
- 2.3.10: Simplified the rule on irrelevant information in app metadata.
- 3.1.1: Clarified that digital gift cards can only be sold using in-app purchase, and that physical gift cards that are sold within an app and then mailed to customers may use payment methods other than in-app purchase.
- 3.1.2(a): Expanded the guideline that allows cellular carrier apps to include music and video subscriptions in pre-defined bundles attached to data plans to clarify that carrier apps can include other kinds of subscriptions, so long as in-app purchase is supported for new users and the carrier provides a mechanism for customers to revert to an in-app purchase subscription after the bundled service expires or terminates.
- 3.1.3: Clarified the email communication policy for apps that are permitted to use purchase methods other than in-app purchase.
- 4.2: Clarified that apps that do not provide adequate utility may not be accepted on the App Store.
- 4.3: Added drinking game apps as a saturated category.
- 4.7: Reformatted by adding 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 for clarity.
- 5.1.1(v): Apps supporting account creation must also offer account deletion.
- 5.6 and 5.6.1 – 5.6.4: Expanded the Developer Code of Conduct to address additional developer trust and safety issues. New rules in this section require developer identity information to be accurate and up to date; make clear that manipulating any element of the App Store experience such as reviews and charts is not permitted; and that excessive customer reports about concerns with an app may be a factor in deciding whether the developer is complying with the Code of Conduct.