WWDC22 Day 3 recap
Your Day 3 status report is here. Catch up on the latest from WWDC22 and discover what's coming to a Thursday near you.
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♪ Bass-heavy electronic music ♪ Now that I have your attention, here's your day three status report.
♪ We started our training with Lynn exploring new ways to design shortcuts for apps.
- You're well on your way to an amazing App Shortcuts experience.
- Then we discovered how to make desktop-class iPad apps with Mohammed.
- This allows apps to express the layout that's most appropriate to their content, while bringing more functionality to the forefront of the UI.
- Then found out how to take advantage of the latest iOS camera capture features.
- This app has one more trick up its sleeve.
I can tap around and point a spotlight at different objects in the scene.
- We also showed off powerful tools to create cool new layouts and views for apps with SwiftUI.
- SwiftUI provides a rich set of building blocks that you use to compose your app's interface.
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