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Render graphics in a standard Metal view, load textures from many sources, and work efficiently with models provided by Model I/O using MetalKit.

MetalKit Documentation

Posts under MetalKit tag

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Hi, Since iOS 17, when setting weight on a SCNMorpher, the normals become completely wrong. As you can see below it only happens when there are vertices along an edge. Has anyone encountered that problem and found a solution? Thanks Reported: FB13798652
by Wal.
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Hello, I am using CAMetalDisplayLink to render my metal layer and i am trying to calculate timestamp for next render to compare with current timestamp. I did notice that timestamp from display link Update is not like Date timestamp. Looks like it depends on some kind of phone boot or another kernel process start. I did try func bootTime() -> TimeInterval? { var tv = timeval() var tvSize = MemoryLayout<timeval>.size let err = sysctlbyname("kern.boottime", &tv, &tvSize, nil, 0); guard err == 0, tvSize == MemoryLayout<timeval>.size else { return nil } return Double(tv.tv_sec) + Double(tv.tv_usec) / 1_000_000.0 } And i got calc 1715680889.6883893 real 1715680878.01257 It's close but still 10 seconds different so probably it's not kern.boottime but something similar. Anybody knows what should i use to get correct timestamp?
by lzk.
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I am wanting to create a 3D video game in Xcode for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and visionOS. I have heard that there are a few different ways to go about this such as MetalKit or SceneKit. These libraries seem to have little examples and documentation so I am wondering: Are they still be developed/supported? Which platform should I make a game in? Where are some resources to learn how to use these platforms? Are there other better platforms that I am just not aware of? Thanks!
by jcovin293.
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Looking for info on the best way to convert a MTLTexture to SKTexture. I am migrating a project where a SpriteKit scene is rendered in an SKView - and relies heavily on SKView.texture(from: SKNode) API I am trying to migrate to an SKRenderer based SpriteKit scene - and wondering the best way to grab an SKTexture from an SKNode when rendered in a MTKView instead of SKView?
by BlueFang.
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Where do I start with this error? I am using the Metal Debugger and have.a bunch of stuck command buffers. how do I look at the command buffers to see the errors? My suspicion is that the cause is some sort of memory leak. Not having access to the source for Metal leaves me stuck. The following message shows up in the logging pane of the execution. Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Ignored (for causing prior/excessive GPU errors) (00000004:kIOGPUCommandBufferCallbackErrorSubmissionsIgnored) Type: Error | Timestamp: 2024-04-11 14:16:13.464336-05:00 | Library: Metal | Subsystem: Metal | Category: Default | TID: 0x2a0b8c I just need some guidance
by mfstanton.
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It appears that when a class like the following: " class RoomCaptureViewController: UIViewController, RoomCaptureViewDelegate,ARSCNViewDelegate, MTKViewDelegate, ARSessionDelegate, RoomCaptureSessionDelegate. " has multiple delegates, the ordering of the priority of each message is delivered to a delegate by a priority sensitive order based algorithm and that one message can be processed by only one delegate and not passed off to other delegates if they don't have the proper entry points. Specifically I noted that changing the order seems to result in a delegate not getting a message that it should be seeing. Is there a "handoff" call that can be made after a delegate has seen a message but needs to pass it off to another delegate for processing? This is a protocol typically utilized in Interrupt handlers for PCIe and other messaging protocols and I have not been able to find a similar capability In the voluminous documentation available for IOS and Mac systems. I would also like to know how a message is dispatched by a class to the particular delegate for which the message was intended. Is there a detailed document that explains how the messaging protocol works that is not so fragmented as to require having multiple monitors open in order to form a coherent picture of the messaging interface for Delegates belonging to a class?
by mfstanton.
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I'm brand new to Metal. I've googled, but can't get the right answer to come up. (Thanks, unhelpful ChatGPT generated answers polluting everything, but I digress...) Ultimately, I'm trying to figure out how to use Metal to render 3D DICOM data on iOS specifically. If you're not familiar with DICOM, let's just say I've got a whole stack of CT image slices. Or to get really simple, I've got a cube of voxel values with differing values at each voxel coordinate. Where do I even start in Metal to render something like this? (I was trying to get the VTK toolkit compiled for iOS, which uses OpenGL, but that appears to be a dead end. And besides, Metal is supposed to be so much better.) Thanks for any tips/leads/suggestions/general pointers.
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I'm trying to follow the metal-cpp tutorials I've found at The program seems to be launching correctly (I can see the menu bar and interact with it), but nothing is rendered inside the window. I suppose the culprit is somewhere in the following function (I see it binds the device, the view and the window with the object in charge of drawing stuff in the view) void core::Application::applicationDidFinishLaunching(NS::Notification *pNotification) { CGRect frame = (CGRect){{100.0, 100.0}, {512.0, 512.0}}; m_Window->init(frame, NS::WindowStyleMaskClosable | NS::WindowStyleMaskTitled, NS::BackingStoreBuffered, false); m_Device = MTL::CreateSystemDefaultDevice(); m_View = MTK::View::alloc()->init(frame, m_Device); m_View->setColorPixelFormat(MTL::PixelFormat::PixelFormatBGRA8Unorm); m_View->setClearColor(MTL::ClearColor::Make(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); m_ViewDelegate = new graphics::ViewDelegate(m_Device); m_View->setDelegate(m_ViewDelegate); m_Window->setContentView(m_View); m_Window->setTitle(NS::String::string("Template 1", NS::StringEncoding::UTF8StringEncoding)); m_Window->makeKeyAndOrderFront(nullptr); NS::Application* nsApp = reinterpret_cast<NS::Application*>(pNotification->object()); nsApp->activateIgnoringOtherApps(true); } but, as you can infer from the fact that I'm failing at the very first tutorial of the bunch, I'm quite lost. I've tried debugging the app with the Xcode debugger and I saw that it never enters in this function. void ViewDelegate::drawInMTKView(MTK::View *pView) { m_Renderer->Draw(pView); } Can it be a symptom of some call missing from my code? Thank you in advance for your help
by p_Each.
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I have provided a test UIKit app which displays three different images, side by side, each inside a separate MTKView. Each image is tagged with a different color profile: Display P3 uRGB Test RGB (from an image supplied in Apple's ImageApp sample). I set up default values for all color spaces and formats. I then check if the image is tagged and, if so, I override those values with state from the tagged color space. The variables I am setting: “workingColorSpace” in the Metal CIContext, default = sRGB “workingFormat” in the Metal CIContext, default = RGBAf “outputColorSpace” in the Metal CIContext, default = displayP3 “colorPixelFormat” in the MTKView, default = bgra8Unorm “colorSpace” in a CIRenderDestination that I use in the MTKView delegate draw method The “colorSpace” default value = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB() I also set “pixelFormat” in CIRenderDestination with the MTKView.colorPixelFormat. If the image is tagged, I override the following values with the tagged colorSpace: CIContext.workingColorSpace CIContext.outputColorSpace CIRenderDestination.colorSpace If the tagged colorSpace.isWideGamutRGB = true, then I set the CIRenderDestination.colorSpace to extendedSRGB, ignoring the color space in the tagged wide gamut color space, as well as set the colorPixelFormat = bgr10_xr Results: The above scenario will properly render the DisplayP3 image, and the uRGB image. The “Test RGB” image fails: If I do not override the CIRenderDestination.colorSpace with a value from the tagged image, then the “Test RGB” image succeeds, but the “uRGB” image fails to render properly: Question: Do I have everything hooked up correctly and, if so, why does one image fail, and the other succeed? Link to sample project:
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I am working on an application where we are planning to use Metal for directly rendering custom content. When user looks at something on the rendered image, I want to get the position or ray of cursor (the point where the user is currently looking at) to render something else like a crosshair. Is it possible to get the cursor position information on VisionOS to accomplish this? How can I know if something is being hovered on by the eyes?
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I wanna draw a pixel buffer directly on the screen with the Metal API. in OpenGL I can use glDrawPixels how to do it in Metal?
by Key-Real.
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I'm currently using Metal to create a game board with floating balloons; each balloon is a SKSpriteNode with an image of a balloon attached. The user touches and drags the balloon to a second balloon, merging the two. Exactly how they get merged is based on input from the user. I have a UISegmentedControl that pops up where the user selects one of four responses and the merge occurs. Currently, the UISegmentedControl pops up in the middle of the game board; however, I would like it to overlay on top of the first balloon instead. I have tried this once the two balloons touch each other: bubble1.physicsBody!.velocity = CGVector(dx: 0, dy: 0) // Stopping the balloon requestView.frame.origin.x = bubble1.position.x requestView.frame.origin.y = bubble1.position.y Where requestView is a UIView (with the same dimensions of the balloon) with various subviews (including the UISegmentedControl) and bubble1 is the SKSpriteNode (balloon). However, when I add the requestView as a subview of the game board, it does not overlay on top of the SKSpriteNode (bubble1). In fact, each time I try it, it doesn't even seem to appear in the same space relative to the location of the bubble1. Any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? Thanks!
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I know opengl is marked as deprecated since ios12 but I have an old project using it and I want to update some feature of it then release the update version. So I'm wondering if I can still release an app using opengl to app store currently? (I know it's better to shift to MetalKit but for some reason I want to cut the cost if I can. )
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I used metal and CompositorLayer to render an immersive space skybox. In this space, the window created by the Swift UI I created only displays the gray frosted glass background effect (it seems to ignore the metal-rendered skybox and only samples and displays the black background). why is that? Is there any solution to display the normal frosted glass background? Thank you very much!
by zane1024.
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Hi there, I've met a problem that in my working project build settings. There is no Metal Compiler Build Setting, but it works well in my demo project. And I'm certain I've move the shader files(.metal) into the bundle. How could I resolve this problem? XCode Version 15.0 13.6.1 (22G313)
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In the project template for using ARKit with Metal, there's a definition for the memory alignment of the buffer that holds the SharedUniforms structure. It is defined like this: // The 16 byte aligned size of our uniform structures let kAlignedSharedUniformsSize: Int = (MemoryLayout<SharedUniforms>.size & ~0xFF) + 0x100 If I understood correctly, this line of code does this: Calculates the size of the SharedUniforms structure in bytes Clears out the last 8 bits of the size representation Adds 256 bytes to the size So if I'm not mistaken, this will round up the size of the SharedUniforms structure to the 256 bytes, and not 16 bytes as the comment suggests. Is there something I've overlooked since I can't wrap my head around how will this align the size to 16 bytes?
by BanSee.
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Is it possible to use the Metal API on vision Pro? I noticed that using MTKView in my visionOS app is not recognized, and also noticed other forum posts from months ago saying that MTKView is not yet supported. If it is still not an option, if and when will it be supported? Also wondering about metal-cpp support as well, since my app involves integrating an existing C++ library with visionOS (see here: Is this possible?
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it appears that the Metal Debugging interface does not support this method, at least the function hashing algorithm does not have a pattern for it in the symbol dictionary as presented. Where do we get updated C- libraries and functions that sync with the things that are presented in the Demo Kits and Samples that Apple puts in the user domain? Why does this stuff get out into the wild insufficiently tested? It seems thet the demo kits made available to users should be included in the test domain used to verify new code releases. I came from a development environment where the 6 month release cycle involved automated execution of the test suite before it went beta or anywhere else.
by mfstanton.
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I've been asked to update our app from the current metal code to Metal 3, and one of the concerns is whether we have to worry about any changed or deprecated features. Is there a way to confirm that our app won't behave differently now that it's under Metal 3? I am able to compile the iOS app targeting iOS 16, and shaders and pipelines are working as expected, is that proof enough that we are good to go? I don't see any version declarations or import dependencies to specific metal versions (ie. like in openGL where you would declare the shader version with #version 150 or something)...
by Bond604.
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