App Submission

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Submit your apps to the App Store using App Store Connect.

Posts under App Submission tag

192 Posts
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App Submission Rejected - Unable to replicate bug
Apple rejected my app store submission (first submission of this app) with the following comment: Issue Description: The app exhibited one or more bugs that would negatively impact App Store users. Bug description: The app opens to a black display Steps to reproduce bug: Launch app. Review device details: - Device type: iPhone 13 mini - OS version: iOS 17.4.1 Next Steps: Test the app on supported devices to identify and resolve bugs and stability issues before submitting for review. No other details given on specific scenarios. No logs provided. We asked for more info but they refused to help any further. I just so happen to have that exact device (iPhone 13 mini), so I updated it to the iOS version that was giving problems. But no matter what I do, I cannot replicate this bug. I tried via TestFlight and via Xcode, I tried deleting and reinstalling the app, and I tried restarting my phone between installs. I tried launching the app while on airplane mode. I never got this "app opens to a black display" issue. What else can I try to replicate this bug? The app is built with Unity 2021.3.19f1.
May ’24
Issue with App Rejection: Blank Page on iPad Air (5th Gen) - Need Community Assistance
Hello Apple Developer Community, I am encountering an issue with my iOS app submission on the App Store Connect platform. After testing the app extensively on various devices, including iPhones and iPads using Xcode, the app appeared to be functioning correctly with all screens visible. However, upon submission, Apple rejected the app, citing that it launched a blank page specifically on the iPad Air (5th generation) running iOS version 17.4.1. I have thoroughly reviewed the app's code and conducted additional testing, but have been unable to replicate the issue on my end. I am reaching out to the community for assistance in troubleshooting and resolving this issue. Has anyone encountered a similar problem before, or does anyone have suggestions on how to address this issue effectively? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
Apr ’24
Bundle ID and Certificates
How to change Bundle ID in "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" (Edit your App ID Configuration) ? Which certificate is needed for a free Mac application (.app) ? The application need only save\restore disk data (no extension, no wifi, no In-App Purchase, etc). A very simple basic 3 windows application (type math Calculator). Do I need set some "Capabilities" (App Services) ?
Apr ’24
App Store Distribution rejected
I'm trying to submit an app that we have successfully tested in TestFlight. After completing all the distribution steps and submitting for review, the review is failing with the response: "Your app version was rejected and no other items submitted can be accepted or approved. You can make edits to your app version below." I haven't received an details in app or via email to provide further information. The version in TestFlight that I have uploaded is: v1.0.23(23). When entering the distribution details, and from the rejection response., it looks like the version number I'm entering on the main distribution page is the issue - maybe? I have tried entering 1.0.23, 1.0.23(23), even just 1.0 - but it constantly keeps getting rejected. Is it really the version no. that is wrong, or potentially something else? How can I get more information on why the submission was rejected?
Apr ’24
Removing MacOS App from sale without Impacting Associated iOS App
Hi, We aim at delisting our MacOS app from the Mac App Store, so that it is no longer available for new users, while maintaining uninterrupted access for our existing MacOS user base. However, this MacOS app is associated to an iOS app in the same app group. Our current challenge lies in the process of removing the older MacOS app from sale without affecting the availability of the associated iOS app. We have explored the "remove from sale" option in App Store Connect, but it appears to be common to both MacOS and iOS, preventing us from delisting the MacOS app separately. We'd like to understand if there is a way to remove the MacOS app from sale without impacting the associated iOS app. If there are any alternative solutions or best practices that can help us achieve this, we would greatly appreciate your advice. Any advice or suggestions you can provide would be highly appreciated !
Apr ’24
CryptoKit and
In my iOS app, I'm planning to use CryptoKit to decrypt a data file downloaded remotely from my backend servers. I'm only using standard cryptography provided by iOS itself (Swift CryptoKit framework). According to App Store Connect documentation: "You're required to provide documentation if your app contains any of the following: Encryption algorithms that are proprietary or not accepted as standard by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.) Standard encryption algorithms instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple's operating system" I assume that since I am only using cryptography provided by the underlying OS itself, I can safely set ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption to NO. Can someone provide me with some guidance or opinion? Thank you!
Apr ’24
Broken Add to Review (AppStoreConnect bug)
Hello, I believe I'm experiecing a bug within the AppStoreConnect dev console. When I try to submit a new version of my game for review I recieve an error message stating The items below are required to start the review process: There are still leaderboard image uploads in progress. One might think that this problem should have an obvious solution: wait for the leaderboard images to load and try again. Unfortunately this is impossible, because all images are already loaded. They are also being successfully displayed in the console interface and even in my game itself. I tried to remove all images, but that didn't help. I've also noticed that leaderboard management interface in the console was updated in the past month or two. I think that might be somehow related to the problem (something from old UI got cached and now isn't affect by new UI). I've also filed a request (102270407515) to the Apple Support, but didn't get any answer (aside from the request is registered). Is there any chance I get an answer from Apple Support here on the forum?
Apr ’24
ITMS-90053 Mac Catalyst Invalid Binary
I am really stuck. I uploaded my Mac Catalyst app. The binary passes validation beforehand. I submit for review. After being in "waiting for review" for a couple of minutes it is rejected with "invalid binary" and comes back with an email saying "ITMS-90053: This bundle is invalid - The bundle identifier is already in use by a different software package." The only app that is using the same bundle is the IOS version where I added the Mac platform.
Apr ’24
Generating 5.5-inch iPhone Screenshots for App Store Submission (Xcode 17.4)
Hi everyone, I'm working on submitting my app to the App Store and need to capture screenshots for the 5.5-inch iPhone display size (iPhone 6 Plus, 7 Plus, and 8 Plus). Unfortunately, Xcode 17.4 doesn't offer simulators for these devices. I've searched Apple's support resources but haven't found any solutions. Would anyone have suggestions on how to generate the required 5.5-inch screenshots for App Store submission? Thanks in advance for your help!
Apr ’24
No Apple feedback about "unlisted app distribution" request
I want to distribute my app as unlisted, review team also recommends me this. 12th of April I submitted the request and got bot mail about awaiting maximum of 3 business days. I has been carrying about this all this time, so that submitted another one request yesterday. Review team always replies very fast in hours, but apple support which is processing my request confuses me. Is here somebody with same trouble or how much time have you been awaiting for feedback? P.S.: I can wait, but I don't see any progress and afraid of non-processing of my request because there was notification about max 3 days of awaiting, but at least a week has been gone.
Apr ’24
increased-memory-limit not support on VisionOS
Hi, I am tying to build the app with increased-memory-limit for vision OS, but I got error while asset validation Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. Your application bundle's signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on visionOS. Specifically, key '' in '[AppName]' is not supported. (ID: 34399486-5b8c-4737-a446-6722fa1f6d98) how should I fix this error Thanks, Max
Apr ’24
The option to "Make a version unavailable for download" is broken
Need help as the the option to "make a version unavailable for download" is broken. 1- Go to the app store and select your app 2- On the left menu scroll down and click on "pricing and availability" 3- Scroll to the bottom to "Edit your last-compatible version for iOS apps" and expand the section 4- Click on the app versions 5- On the new pop-up window un-check the boxes for the versions you need to remove and click done. HERE IT IS BROKEN.
Apr ’24
Impact of AFNetworking deprecation on App Submission to AppStore
We are using AFnetworking in our code base - this framework is build from source code and we not using any binaries provided by AFNetworking team. We have also modify the open source code, so that it is different from the original open source code in a way so that it won't lead to runtime conflicts in case the customers is including similar frameworks in their application. We're using those derivatives of the open source frameworks as a statically linked libraries to our SDK. Now as announce by the AFNetworking Team the SDK is now deprecated -“ As of Jan. 17, 2023, AFNetworking is deprecated and there will be no further releases. This repo will remain online in perpetuity as an archive. There are a couple options for continued AFNetworking use: Copy AFNetworking into your project and compile it directly. This gives you full control over the code. Fork AFNetworking and use the fork in your dependency manager. There will be no official forks but anyone can fork at any time and can even publish those forks under a different name, in accordance with AFNetworking's license. Moving forward, Alamofire is the suggested migration path for networking in modern Swift.  Since major part of our code base extensively use objective C we are reluctant to migrate at the moment. Query for the Apple support team - As AFNetworking announcement clearly states the SDK can still be used and repo will remain available as an archive - If we continue to use forked version of AFNetworking in the way stated above , in our code base will it have any impact on App Submission for the APP store.
Apr ’24
Status of submission in appstore and testflight
In our product, we are submitting app into appstore and testflight using Appstore connect api. We need information about status of the app submission both in appstore and testflight. I was hoping that any notification might be sent through webhook, but couldnt find any way. My requirement is keeping the app status of an app up-to-date (in our product). There are two ways to do that, 1- Regularly check status of the app using rest service (for example every 10 minutes) and update it. 2- Subscribe a service or create a webhook that can be used to notified about status changes. Is there any suggestion, or any guidence how can second way work? Is there any such options?
Apr ’24