Our app is rejected relating to a Guideline 1.3 :
I was asked the following questions:
• Does your app include third-party analytics? If so, please provide details about what data is collected for this purpose.
• Does your app include third-party advertising? If so, please provide a link to the ad network's publicly-documented practices and policies for kids apps.
• Will the data be shared with any third parties? If so, for what purposes and where will this information be stored?
• Is your app collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising? If so, please provide a complete and clear explanation of all planned uses of this data.
Answer 1:''The ‘MY iOS app’ itself does not ask for any information from the user. The privacy policy for the app which was produced using COMPANY XYZ can be found in the following link :***
The website called ABC...provides general information about the ‘MY iOS app’ as well as the other 4 learning card games which was developed by the same sole entrepreneur. The website developed by Wordpress uses google and Wordpress analytics. Google and Wordpress analytics are used to understand which google adds campaigns are more successful in terms of webpage clicks. The data about which city has a higher response rate is also gathered to prepare google adds specific for that region rather than the whole country ’Turkey’. The campaigns are in Turkish, specific to the Turkish customers, and all the analytics and adds are related to the Turkish country and Turkey.
Detailed information about the privacy of the webpage is displayed under the privacy section on the website *** and can also be reached on the link: YYYY ''__
Answer 2: The 'MY iOS App does not include third party advertising. The webpage which also mentions about the MY iOS App, uses google adds as advertising promoting the webpage ABC.. ‘itself. The adds are to promote website and app store clicks. More details about the privacy policy can be found on the link:YYY
Answer 3: The data gathered from google analytics and google adds and Wordpress analytics are not shared and will not be shared with any third party.
Answer 4: MY iOS App’ is not collecting any user or device data for purposes beyond third-party analytics or third-party advertising.''
If this also fails can you advise any other comments on how I can solve this problem. Any other insights or recommendations are more than welcome.
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