




ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support when uploading VisionOS app to Appstore Connect with dylib
I'm trying to upload a build to app store connect. It's a build from a Unity project with the polyspatial SDK, and I also need to include a c++ library, which I've added as a dylib signed with the same provisioning profile as the app. The profile is an Apple Distribution profile created from an enterprise account. It succesfully uploads to Appstore connect, but fails with the following error message: ITMS-90426: Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit it. This is unhelpful as I'm using a current version of Xcode. I've read that it's a provisioning issue, but I'm using the provisioning profile for apple distribution on an enterprise account, not an ad hoc profile. I've tried manually adding the SwiftSupport folder from the Xcode toolchain to the ipa/xarchive, resign and upload with Transporter, but that doesn't work. After spending a day trying to troubleshoot this, I'm at a loss. Any help with this is much appreciated. Note: I can sideload the app onto an AVP with an ad hoc build and ad hoc provisioning profile (I've added the signed dylib to build phases Link with Libraries and Embed Frameworks). Somehow this doesn't need the SwiftSupport?
Oct ’24