




Reply to Family Controls capability cause Mac Catalyst app to fail
@eskimo No it doesn't. I've runned it from terminal as is said in Resolving Trusted Execution Problems. In my case system response is [1] 71430 killed So I guess it is the case: % zsh: killed But I don't understand why it is killed as I run app in Debug mode and Family Controls capabilities switched to iOS only and we registered it both debug and distribution. With removed Family Controls capabilities everything works good
Topic: Code Signing SubTopic: Entitlements Tags:
Sep ’23
Reply to iOS 16 setNavigationBarHidden func crashes
It looks like the crash appear again on iOS 17.0(21A5291j) In our app it crashes when we set navigationController?.setNavigationBarHidden(false, animated: true) during viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool). I've tried several option: showing navBar in pushed viewController in didAppear, willAppear etc. When it worked going back to root and then pushing same view again was causing crash. For now I didn't find any solution for it. I was trying to post logs but I'm not able to
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: UIKit Tags:
Aug ’23
Reply to DeviceActivityMonitor Extension methods not being triggered
After spending half of day on debbuging I finally managed to fix this. In my case problem was with iOS versioning in Device Activity Monitor Extension target. Take a look at YourDeviceActivityTarget -> Build Settings: Selected lines should be deleted. If you selected it and remove it should work. I don't know if the problem is only because my phone has lower iOS version than 16.4 or that this option mismatch with version in the main project. Hope, it works for you too! Let know, Marcin
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: General Tags:
Apr ’23