When creating a raw image with CIFilter, I need to provide and identifier hint for the raw image decoder. How do I do this?
The following code does not populate the dictionary and CIFilter returns nil.
How would I do this correctly? I am completely stuck.
let rfo = [ String(kCGImageSourceTypeIdentifierHint) : "com.sony.raw-image" ] as! [CIRAWFilterOption:Any]
let cii = CIFilter(imageData: data , options: rfo).outputImage
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I have raw pixel data from a camera sensor and need to convert it into a raw image. With Core Image Filter I like to process the raw image data.
I have trouble getting the raw data into a CIImage.
Also CGContext only gave me gray scale or even black & white image views.
The raw data are the actual pixel values of the CFA (color filter array) with an RGGB pixel arrangement. iOS/SWIFT should be able to do all the demosaicing and apply a whole bunch of great filters specially developed for raw images.
But I simple cannot get the data into a core image.
Any help is highly appreciated.
I like the simple and easy plotting functionality of CareKit.
How can I use CareKitUI‘s OCKCartesianChartView with SwiftUI?
OCKCartesianChartView seems not to be compatible with View and VStack of SwiftUI ?!
Any hints and help are highly appreciated.