Hi there, I'm trying to make a CI/CD system for iOS project using Jenkins, my project have a Notification Services Extension target. But when running xcodebuild script it's show this error:
framework not found Pods_NotificationServiceExtension
Ld /Users/administrator/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/BitcastleApp-diipivlljnhqkjhlbsmgsjjgynbn/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/BitcastleApp-Dev/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/BitcastleApp.build/Debug-iphoneos/NotificationServiceExtension.build/Objects-normal/arm64/Binary/NotificationServiceExtension normal arm64 (in target 'NotificationServiceExtension' from project 'BitcastleApp')
When using xcode it's still success. Below is my build script for archiving:
xcodebuild build -workspace BitcastleApp.xcworkspace -scheme BitcastleApp-Dev -sdk iphoneos15.5 -configuration Debug archive -archivePath /Users/administrator/.jenkins/workspace/Dev -destination generic/platform=iOS
Did anyone know how to fix this error? I have to spend 2 days to tried to search around the internet but still can't found any solution. Please help!
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Hello there,
I'm currently trying to develop a widget for iOS 14 and wonder if developers can create their own Widget in Smart Stack mode beside of .systemSmall, .systemMedium, .systemLarge ?
And one more question that all of tutorial video in WWDC only make widget with SwiftUI App (passing data between them). Did anyone know how to intergrate it with an UIKit application?
Thank in advance.