




AccessibilityHint for UIAlertAction
Hi, I am setting an accessibilityLabel and accessibilityHint property of a UIAlertAction. However, VoiceOver is only reading the label out. Usually, the label is read out, followed by a short pause and then the hint. Is this a known issue, where hints do not work for this element? I can append the hint to the label, but interested to know if there's something I'm doing wrong. Regards.
Changing playback rate of AVQueuePlayer not working for some Airplay devices.
Hi. I am working on an audio app for iOS. I have implemented UI and handling which allows the user to change playback rate of audio. When the user selects a different rate, I update the rate property on my AVQueuePlayer. This is working well on device. When I use Airplay, it works for some devices and not for others. Some devices won't change playback rate and will always play at 1x speed. Is this possibly a limitation of those 3rd-party devices? Or is there something I'm missing/should check? Would love to get playback rate changes working across all Airplay devices with our app. Kind regards.
Jan ’25
Carplay rate button always displays "0x".
Hi. I am working on an audio app for iOS. I have added the CPNowPlayingPlaybackRateButton to my CPNowPlayingTemplate. When the button is clicked, my handler changes the rate in the AVPlayer and updates the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter to the new rate, for example, 2.0. Throughout, the Carplay button always displays "0x". I am wondering how to get this UI to accurately reflect the playback rate the user has selected, as always displaying 0x is a poor user experience. You may suggest MPChangePlaybackRateCommand is relevant here, but I have not been able to get that to work either, and judging by posts online, not many other people have either. I have made a post about that here: Is this a known Apple bug? Is there a way to get the UI to accurately reflect the playback rate of my audio? Kind regards.
Jan ’25
changePlaybackRateCommand does not work on iOS.
Hi. I work on an audio app for iOS which is successfully using the MPRemoteCommandCenter for commands like next, back, skip forward, skip backward etc. I am trying to implement playback rate controls in my app (so that users can change the playback speed of audio to 0.5x or 2x for example). While the above commands work, the changePlaybackRateCommand does not seem to. I have enabled the command, given it a target/handler and set supported rates. With the other commands, this caused the UI to change on lock screen, in command center etc, by adding the control for the command (a next button for the next command for example). However, it does not seem to do anything for the playback rate command. I can implement my own "rate button" UI and rate change handling, but I'm wondering if this is a known bug within Apple? Looking online, it seems other people face the same issue and haven't been able to get this command to work. Why is this API provided if it doesn't seem to do anything? Is there something I'm missing? Kind regards.
Jan ’25
Does updating MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime frequently harm performance?
Hi, I'm wondering about one of the properties in the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter: MPNowPlayingInfoPropertyElapsedPlaybackTime. The docs say that updating this property frequently is not required, because the system can automatically calculate elapsed playback time based on the infrequent values we provide. Is performance harmed by updating this property every second? Should I add some filtering/throttling to update this property infrequently? Am I overthinking this, and it doesn't matter either way? Kind regards.
Nov ’24