




Reply to I want to use a QUIC stream with Swift's NWProtocolQUIC
@takt so I was running into something similar and I am still chasing it done but I have some notes worth sharing: While you mentioned it's probably not the server side I have seen an issue (or think so) where the NWConnectionGroup is establishing an initial stream. When the connection is established to the server , you are generating a new stream and sending data which will, on the server side, trigger the stream to be "opened". What I found was if your server side code is something like this (sudo code for readability): conn = endpoint.accept_connection() stream = conn.accept_new_stream() ... let bytes = stream.recv() You might find that your server is accepting a stream but you don't get the bytes. AFAICT, this is because there is an initial stream being establish silently by the NWConnectionGroup which you cannot get a handle to. When you create your new stream on your client, and send data this causes the hidden stream to be opened as well per the QUIC spec: A stream ID that is used out of order results in all streams of that type with lower-numbered stream IDs also being opened. This means you have a handle to the initial hidden stream and the server will accept data from your newly open stream. From my testing you need to make sure that your server is accepting streams multiple times: conn = endpoint.accept_connection() _ = conn.accept_new_stream() stream = conn.accept_new_stream() ... and then I found I want able to process the incoming data. Reference this example repo and issue where I dug into this will the Rust implementation of QUIC and Network.framework Cheers!
Jan ’24
Reply to Weird behaviour with Network Framework and QUIC Multiplex Groups.
I understand! Thanks! To summarize: No, the options for a connection group for a given endpoint cannot differ. If you want to mix stream directionality options cannot do so with a NWConnectionGroup as there is a constrain that for a given endpoint, new "stream" cannot redefine the options of the main group. What happens is that new streams are derived from the initial QUIC connection that were used to setup the tunnel, so typically those new streams would take on the initial setup options of the main tunnel (or groups) connection. And this makes sense because otherwise you would have streams that would have different connection parameters (and behavior) than the parent connection / tunnel. And if thats happens then a case could be made for an entirely new connection or tunnel. I see, that make sense from an NW API pov and the way it works under the hood, even if that is not a limitation of the QUIC protocol itself. It would be nice if we could change could established a new stream with different directionality as that is not a property of the connection socket itself but of the streams which is legal for QUIC. By establishing a new connection that will give me the ability to change stream directionality BUT from a server perspective that will be a completely new accepted connection and that's something servers need to keep in mind that may organize operations around a single connection. It's doable about its an unfortunate limitation (feature?) of the well NWConnectionGroups with NWMultiplexGroup parameters work. I would seem to me that the the directionality of streams should not be a property of the connection group as a whole and something that can be overridden for the new streams but I am no QUIC expert :)
Jan ’24
Reply to Weird behaviour with Network Framework and QUIC Multiplex Groups.
The second issue of the hidden stream is more complex and requires some understanding of the server. Effectively, the server does something like this (sudo code, original code in the repo provided): let conn = endpoint.accept_connection() print( "[server] connection accepted: addr=\(conn.remote_address())", ) print("[server] waiting for bi stream"); let (send_end, recv_end) = conn.accept_bi() print("[server] awaiting recv") recv_end.recv(....) Now if I establish a connection with options.direction = .bidirectional on the client side: let options = NWProtocolQUIC.Options(alpn: ["demo"]) // Set the initial stream direction. options.direction = .bidirectional ... let parameters = NWParameters(quic: options) let descriptor = NWMultiplexGroup(to: endpoint) let group = NWConnectionGroup(with: descriptor, using: parameters) and then in the group state handler, once the connection is ready I make a new stream (same directionality): group.stateUpdateHandler = { newState in switch newState { case .ready: print("Connected using QUIC!") let options = NWProtocolQUIC.Options(alpn: ["demo"]) options.direction = .bidirectional mainConn = group.extract()! // force unwrap print("new stream made: \(mainConn)") ... case .failed(let error): print("main connection failed.") break } } ... When sending bytes through that new connection from the swift client, on the server side I will get logs like so: [server] connection accepted: addr= [server] waiting for bi stream [server] awaiting recv The server will receive the connection, wait for the bidirectional stream to be opened and then await the bytes but the bytes will never come through the newly accepted stream. I can see the swift client sending bytes and in higher verbosity levels the server IS getting the bytes. quinn_proto::connection: got Data packet (67 bytes) from using id 8c3bc319a7211707 quinn_proto::connection: got Data packet (67 bytes) from using id 8c3bc319a7211707 but the only way for me start to recving the bytes from the stream accepted on the server and opened on the swift client in the group state handler is to accept the bidirectional stream twice. print("[server] waiting for bi stream"); let (_, _) = conn.accept_bi() let (send_end, recv_end) = conn.accept_bi() I have already investigated with the maintainers of the package I use that is not a weird bug on their end and in higher verbosity levels we can see TWO stream being opened. But on the swift side, as far as I can see we are only establish a single stream and that 'first' stream is not accessible from the NWConnectionGroup at all. If I don't send bytes that the server never makes to even attempting to recv bytes but I do think this indicates that there is stream being initiated under the hood of the NWConnection and the RFC quit does outline this behavior: [A stream ID that is used out of order results in all streams of that type with lower-numbered stream IDs also being opened. ]( Is there a way for me to increase logging or inspect further where this initial stream is being opened?
Jan ’24
Reply to Weird behaviour with Network Framework and QUIC Multiplex Groups.
@meaton thanks for having a look and the example! I think there was a misunderstanding but I realize my code was missing a piece! I am not struggling with the connection aspect or the error you mentioned. I am conflating to two issue, apologies! Creating a new stream with new options for the stream. I noticed that there appears to be a hidden stream created when we create the connection with the NWConnectionGroup which is the more complex issue. If my initial connection is established with options specified like so: let options = NWProtocolQUIC.Options(alpn: ["demo"]) // Set the initial stream to unidirectional. options.direction = .unidirectional ... let parameters = NWParameters(quic: options) let descriptor = NWMultiplexGroup(to: endpoint) let group = NWConnectionGroup(with: descriptor, using: parameters) and after establishing a connection and the group set is .ready I am trying something like. group.stateUpdateHandler = { newState in switch newState { case .ready: print("Connected using QUIC!") let options = NWProtocolQUIC.Options(alpn: ["demo"]) options.direction = .bidirectional mainConn = group.extract(connectionTo: endpoint, using: options)! // force unwrap print("new stream made: \(mainConn)") ... case .failed(let error): print("main connection failed.") break } } ... I am seeing this this error in the console log and specifically the nw_endpoint_flow_failed_with_error and then the new stream connection is in a failed state. Connected using QUIC! new stream made: Optional([C3 quic, attribution: developer, attach protocol listener]) nw_endpoint_flow_setup_cloned_protocols [C3 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: lo0)] could not find protocol to join in existing protocol stack nw_endpoint_flow_failed_with_error [C3 in_progress socket-flow (satisfied (Path is satisfied), viable, interface: lo0)] failed to clone from flow, moving directly to failed state Main Connection State: failed(POSIXErrorCode(rawValue: 50): Network is down) main connection failed. quic_recovery_pto PTO fired after validation If I remove the endpoint and options from the extract call: mainConn = group.extract(connectionTo: endpoint, using: options)! // force unwrap // into mainConn = group.extract()! // force unwrap If works but my streams is not bidirectional. Am I able to create new streams with different directions in this API? Or do I have to choice between bidirectional or unidirectional for the entire group?
Jan ’24
Reply to Weird behaviour with Network Framework and QUIC Multiplex Groups.
Additionally, there seems to be some weird issues with a hidden stream being created but there is no way to gain access to the handle: Hidden Streams My server is simple, it accepts a single connect and then a single stream initiated by the client. In my swift code I am looking to establish a connection and create a bidirectional stream after the multiplex group is ready. After the group is ready I extract a new stream from the group and attempt to send data once it is ready. However, this new stream is never accepted but on the server side, the hidden stream is accepted. Upon a deeper dive into the logging, I can see that there are two stream open by the end of the program, the newest one is the one I created by extracting it from the group, the first is one I did not create and do not have a handle too. If I change my server to accept twice, the stream I create after the group is ready is usable. This is odd behaviour, I don't have a handle to the first hidden stream on the client side and attempt to send data with the group handle just creates new streams.
Jan ’24
Reply to Aspiring Developer
Check out Especially after you learn the swift language, I have found their deep dives into the different frameworks really awesome, especially for some of the more difficult ones like Metal. I also found there forums are very active and helpful! Best of luck and welcome to the developer community, it will a journey full of great challenges and joys!!
Topic: App & System Services SubTopic: Core OS Tags:
Jun ’20
Reply to crash with simple simd code in Swift
Bug ID: FB7658482After some fiddling in and tearing apart the the project I have managed to distill it (using the techniques you mentioned):- Create a new MacOS App using Storyboard- In the ViewController.swift file place the code below- Run the app and in the view that appears click and drag. You should get the BAD_ACCESS error.// // ViewController.swift // import Cocoa import simd /* MARK: About the Bug This project is a segment of a larger project we have for a simple game engine with metal. There is a lot of matrix operations in the app so we utilize `didSet` heavily to update different matrices. In this example we have: - Storyboard with NSView - We add a pan gesture to capture the and convert it to rotation. - We are a "Camera" class that has a rotation property that utilizes a didSet This did set, in the real application, does some math for matrix updates which is not present here. Reproducing the Bug - Run the application and in the view that pops up just click and drag. Ways the bug disappears: A. Remove the 'didSet' from the camera rotation property. B. Instead set the rotation property as a whole, rather than the individual components. See the respective comments below for the code bits to uncomment/remove. */ class ViewController: NSViewController { let camera:Camera = Camera() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() addGestureRecognizers(to: view) } func addGestureRecognizers(to view: NSView) { let pan = NSPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handlePan(gesture:))) view.addGestureRecognizer(pan) } @objc func handlePan(gesture: NSPanGestureRecognizer) { let translation = gesture.translation(in: gesture.view) let delta = SIMD2<Float>(Float(translation.x), Float(translation.y)) camera.rotate(delta: delta) gesture.setTranslation(.zero, in: gesture.view) } } class Camera { var rotation: SIMD3<Float> = [0, 0, 0] { // A. Remove this setter to remove the EXC_BAD_ACCESS didSet { _something() } } func rotate(delta: SIMD2<Float>) { print("rotate delta: \(delta)") // B: Uncomment this, and comment the two lines under 'Bug Here' below // rotation = [ rotation.x + delta.x, rotation.y + delta.y, rotation.z] // Bug Here rotation.y += delta.x rotation.x += delta.y } func _something() { print("_something()") } }
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Apr ’20
Reply to crash with simple simd code in Swift
Yes, I am seeing with xcode 11.4 on macos 10.15.4. Unfortunately I have not been able to distill it from my macOS application to a playground. But it manifests in a very similar way (note there are images pasted here for some reason when the post is saved they do not appear but appear when I am editing them??):Versus a different way of setting values.Not really sure of the best way to share the project to the group.
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Apr ’20
Reply to Asset Compiling Error in Xcode 11.4 on macOS 10.15.4 release
Did a bit more digging and it does work if all texture sets in the catalog are set to color. Confused to as why data would not work. is a very simple project that gives me the above error the structure of the Asset Catalog looks like:Textures.xcassets/Content.json{ "info" : { "author" : "xcode", "version" : 1 } }Textures.xcassets/Texture.textureset/Content.json{ "info" : { "author" : "xcode", "version" : 1 }, "properties" : { "interpretation" : "data" }, "textures" : [ { "filename" : "Universal.mipmapset", "idiom" : "universal" } ] }Textures.xcassets/Texture.textureset/Universal.mipmapset/Content.json (Image is in this folder){ "info" : { "author" : "xcode", "version" : 1 }, "levels" : [ { "filename" : "chest-color.png", "mipmap-level" : "base" } ] }
Mar ’20
Reply to crash with simple simd code in Swift
Does anyone know of any other tickets or bugs related? I am also encounter something similar (though I have not been able to isolate it into a playground) around SIMD3<Float> and assignment of individual components. If I assign the entire float3 it works but assigning indivudal componenets gives me the same EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT) error.Like the original post, adding print statements and reordering causes it to disappear?
Topic: Programming Languages SubTopic: Swift Tags:
Mar ’20