




ARWorld loading works differently on iOS 15
There is a difference in how ARWorldMap loading/relocalization works on iOS 14 and 15, which is not mentioned in iOS 15 release notes. Whenever you start an AR session by providing an initialWorldMap and relocalization succeeds, on iOS 14 the AR world's origin is automatically updated to match the previously saved world's origin. However, on iOS 15 it's not. In my case, I've used RealityKit for rendering and found out about it by creating an AnchorEntity() (default identity transform) and adding it to my ARView's scene after relocalization. On iOS 14, it is placed where the previously saved session started, as expected. While on iOS 15, it is placed exactly where the current session started. It's not the case for the Apple's sample: Saving and Loading World Data, because the virtual object is restored using ARSessionDelegate's method where a previously saved ARAnchor is provided by the session. This is also the solution I use right now – to add an anchor before saving the world so you can use it later to e.g. update the world's origin using setWorldOrigin(relativeTransform:). I'm sharing in case someone runs into this problem, and it'd be great if someone at Apple could confirm that's the desired behavior.
Sep ’21
Can the Object Capture API be used to create building models?
Can the RealityKit 2's Object Capture API be used to create a model of a building's interior? I've only found examples of creating models using pictures taken by walking around an object, not from inside of it 🤔 I know photogrammetry in general can be used for such cases, but I'm not sure the new RealityKit's API supports it. I'd be grateful if someone who tried it shared their results (I can't right now) and if someone at Apple could confirm whether this should be supported or not by design. Thank you for your time 🙇‍♂️
Jun ’21