i'm having the same problem, or one extremely similar.
On an M4 macbook, using instruments, the "CPU Profiler" template, when i press record, i get this:
before run started: Unexpected failure: Couriers have returned unexpectedly.
before run started: Failed to start the recording:
configureHardwareCounters: Failed set kpc configuration: Operation not permitted.
with no explanation, no "how to fix this" pointer, and internet search has no results
Quinn said:
For MAC to work is has to [requirement], An Apple Development Code Signing Identity works... [what does NOT work is] unsigned code...
that was problem. i had the exact issue. i had never been signing my debug app. now i do, and suddenly everything works
update: the download is now called "Additional Tools for Xcode"
Apple: are you going to fix your hypervisor to enable these obvious features???
solution here:
tl;dr: enter this in Terminal
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist
i found a solution here: https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/422307/the-open-folder-command-in-terminal-and-the-reveal-file-in-finder-option-a
tl;dr: enter this in terminal:
rm ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.finder.plist