




Reply to swift-frontend memory usage
This bug seems to have been resolved in Xcode 13.2 beta version. When you exit Xcode 13.1 and run it on Xcode 13.2 beta, the swift-frontend thread temporarily increases and then the memory is released. However, when Xcode 13.1 version is running, the same problem occurs even if it runs at 13.2 beta. Please run only Xcode 13.2 beta and test it.
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Dec ’21
Reply to Button.keyboardShortcut(.defaultAction) doesn't properly work on macOS Monterey
I have a similar problem. Isn't there a solution? struct ContentView: View {       @State private var text: String = ""       var body: some View {     VStack {       Text(text)         .padding()       TextEditor(text: $text)         .frame(width: 300, height: 200)         .padding()               Button(action: {         print(text)       }, label: {         Text("Done")                 })         .keyboardShortcut(.defaultAction)         .padding()     }   } }
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Nov ’21