Adding my voice here as well to report that Xcode 15 makes debugging sessions slow and painful, and that I wish a future release makes the debugging experience good and snappy.
On top of that, unplugging the device while a debugging session was on has triggered the nastiest iOS bug I've ever seen (twice):
The UI of the debugged app is unresponsive.
I can't go back to the Home Screen (the gesture does not work).
I can swipe down the notification panel, but can't switch to any other app from there.
I can swipe down the control center, but can't switch to any other app from there.
I can take a screenshot, but can't switch to any other app from there.
The standard shutdown (click buttons on both sides) does not work.
Basically I'm completely stuck on a unresponsive app, without any possibility to do switch to any other app.
The only solution was the very-little-known reboot gesture (short press on the sound up button, short press on the sound down button, long press on the button on the other side). This means that I had to find a computer until I could google for the solution and bring my phone back to life. And you know how phones are important nowadays.
Really not a pleasing experience, Xcode 15 :-/