When trying to using an image from a Swift Package within Interface Builder / Storyboard Scene: In the "Attributes Inspector" the images are displayed in the dropdown for placing within the UIImageView
When the the image is selected from the dropdown it is populated within the UIImage object
When the iOS app is side-loaded to an iPad or the Simulator, the image does not appear within the UIImage object
I have created a UIImage extension within the Swift Package containing corresponding color name properties populate in "Images.xcassets" - when using these properties to populate the UIImage object within the Swift class via code the image displays successfully
Baseline: Xcode version - 12.4
iPadOS 14.4
[Package] - Image sources within the package: "Sources" - "Package Name" - "Resources" - "Images.xcassets"
[Package] - Has "resources: [.process("Resources")]" added to "Package - targets - .target"
Question: Is this a bug in within Xcode 12.*, by Apple/Xcode design or am I missing a step?
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