




Reply to LongPressGesture.updating(_:body:)
Hello, The issue is still there with iOS 18.3 and even Mac Catalyst on macOS 15.3. See Bug report ID: FB16449802 .onLongPressGesture(...) works but for instance can't be used for .simultaneousGesture(...) In fact on iOS 18, the LongPressGesture object never calls func updating<State>(GestureState<State>, body: (Self.Value, inout State, inout Transaction) -> Void) -> GestureStateGesture<Self, State> func onChanged((Self.Value) -> Void) -> _ChangedGesture<Self> Thank you
Topic: UI Frameworks SubTopic: SwiftUI Tags:
Feb ’25
Reply to Xcode Predictive Code Completion can't download
Exactly the same issue with production Xcode 16.0 and macOS 15.0.1. Is it due to the macOS 15.0.1 update? Xcode was working fine, nothing changed except perhaps the macOS version, when Xcode said there was a download error and this error. Feedback : FB15483047 System Information macOS Version 15.0.1 (Build 24A348) Xcode 16.0 (23051) (Build 16A242d)
Oct ’24
Reply to Modifier l’entité juridique
Hi, When you register to sell apps in the App Store you must enter some details. The name of your legal entity is restricted to a simple string with just the 26 alphabetic chars in upper or lower case, numbers (0 to 9), comas "," , dashes "-", ampersand "&" and points "." This is probably to put this name as the part of a key in Apple databases. A good trick is to give the name you put for your company name in your bundle identifiers. For instance for "My Dad's Company" put "MyDadsCompany" For you name, you could use "JurisintelligenceSarl" or "JurisintelligenceSARL"
Feb ’22