If you specify a color in the "sRGB" colorspace in the storyboard, that should match a color created with the normal UIColor RGB creation methods, I think. That did seem to make a difference for me. Can always manually edit the storyboard to use colorSpace="custom" customColorSpace="sRGB" for the color, if setting it using IB's UI doesn't seem to work.
The default value of DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH is $(CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR), so changing that will also change where the dSYMs get output to. Normally, during an archive build, CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR is set as some ArchiveIntermediates path, and I guess files from there get copied to the .xcarchive at some point.
Changing SYMROOT can also affect DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH.
If you must override either of those, you may need to manually copy the *.dSYM folders from your CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR to the .xcarchive/dSYMS/ folder, or set DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH to the desired output location.