I am writing a NetworkingDriverKit extension.
So I subclassed IOUserNetworkEthernet.
In my class Start method, among hardware specific things here is what I do:
Allocate a IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool, with IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool::Create(this, "myPacketsPool", 5000, 5000, 10000, &ivars->PacketsPool);
Create an IODispatchQueue with IODispatchQueue::Create("myPacketsDispatchQueue", 0, 0, &ivars->PacketsDispatchQueue);
Create the IOUserNetworkPacketQueue objects:
IOUserNetworkRxSubmissionQueue::Create(ivars->PacketsPool, this, 250, 0, ivars->PacketsDispatchQueue, &ivars->RxSubmissionQueue);
IOUserNetworkRxCompletionQueue::Create(ivars->PacketsPool, this, 250, 0, ivars->PacketsDispatchQueue, &ivars->RxCompletionQueue);
IOUserNetworkTxSubmissionQueue::Create(ivars->PacketsPool, this, 250, 0, ivars->PacketsDispatchQueue, &ivars->TxSubmissionQueue);
IOUserNetworkTxCompletionQueue::Create(ivars->PacketsPool, this, 250, 0, ivars->PacketsDispatchQueue, &ivars->TxCompletionQueue);
queues[0] = ivars->RxSubmissionQueue;
queues[1] = ivars->RxCompletionQueue;
queues[2] = ivars->TxSubmissionQueue;
queues[3] = ivars->TxCompletionQueue;
I register the ethernet interface: RegisterEthernetInterface(mac, ivars->PacketsPool, queues, 4);
And I report link status with ReportLinkStatus(kIOUserNetworkLinkStatusActive, kIOUserNetworkMediaEthernet1000BaseT | kIOUserNetworkMediaOptionFullDuplex);
After that, the new network interface shows up in MacOS.
I see that SetInterfaceEnable gets called with true as argument.
In the receive data path I get data from the USB device, which I want to pass to the network stack.
So I try to get an empty packet with:
IOUserNetworkPacket * packet;
r = ivars->RxSubmissionQueue->DequeuePacket(&packet);
But at that point, I always get kIOReturnUnderrun.
Is there something else I should do to be able to dequeue empty packets from the IOUserNetworkRxSubmissionQueue ?
I already tried to enable the packets queues with:
But that doesn't change anything.
Selecting any option will automatically load the page
I am working on a DriverKit system extension that handles some kind of USB Ethernet adapter.
I'm trying to receive data from a Bulk endpoint. Each USB transfer should be up to 512kB, but the actual size of the transfer is not known in advance.
What I do is the following:
Allocate an IOBufferMemoryDescriptor with IOUSBHostInterface::CreateIOBuffer:
ret = ivars->interface->CreateIOBuffer(kIOMemoryDirectionIn, 524288, &b->buffer);
Create an OSAction to be used as transfer complete callback:
ret = CreateActionReadComplete(0, &b->action);
Start the I/O request:
ret = ivars->pipe->AsyncIO(b->buffer, 524288, b->action, 0);
At that point, I see that instead of starting a single 524288 bytes transfer, it starts 14 36864 bytes transfers and a 8192 bytes one. Which will absolutely not work with the USB device.
Is there a transfer size limit I am not aware of?
I'm trying to get a pkg file notarized.The notarization process worked fine for me until some day ago.Now, when I run the altool command, I get this error : *** Error: To use this application, you must first sign in to iTunes Connect and sign the relevant contracts. (1048)I have checked https://developer.apple.com/account/ and https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/agreements/ too see if you have any pending agreement, but there is nothing there.The command I use is 'xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id $MYBUNDLEID --username $MYUSERID --asc-provider $MYTEAMID --password $MYAPPPASSWORD --file $MYPKGFILE'The last time the altool command worked for me was on the 29 May.Any idea what is going wrong here?