Working on a MacOS SwiftUI app - recently, when the app stays running from the night before, it no longer responds to keystrokes - data entry, or cursor navigation keys.
It does respond to mouse activity and clicks ... very weird.
When putting a TextField into a TableColumn, and while editing, the text exceeds the column width - any way to automatically resize the width to match the entered text ?
My project loads a CSV into a DataFrame and displays it in a Table (a MacOS app). So far so good ... but when trying to update a value in a column, I dont see anyway to update this value.
The table gets the value for the column like this:
func getColumnValue(row :DataFrame.Rows.Element, columnName :String) -> String
if row.base.containsColumn(columnName)
var value = ""
if row[columnName] != nil
value = "\(row[columnName]!)"
return value
But the documentation and googles dont show any way to update the same column. Any help is appreciated with cookies.
Attempt to update:
func setColumnValue(row :DataFrame.Rows.Element, columnName :String, value :String)
var column: [String?] = data[columnName]
column[] = value
I am creating a key, such as:
let key = SymmetricKey(size: SymmetricKeySize.bits256)
Is it possible for another developer to simply decrypt my files with using CryptoKit ... or how do I provide my own key to ensure that can't happen?
Thanks !