




CLKFullColorImageProvider applies blue color to my Complication
Hey Guys, i am currently trying to implement a CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCircularClosedGaugeImage but for some reason my icon keeps getting tinted blue. When I change the tintColor of the WatchFace everything seems to be tinted the right way. But when i disable tinting on the WatchFace my Image will be colored blue for some reason. I enabled the rendering Mode: alwaystemplate inside the asset catalog because my image is just black in the original version. How can I set a default tint color when using .alwaysTemplate a the rendering mode? let gaugeProvider = CLKSimpleGaugeProvider(style: .fill, gaugeColor: color, fillFraction: progress) let template = CLKComplicationTemplateGraphicCircularClosedGaugeImage(gaugeProvider: gaugeProvider, imageProvider: CLKFullColorImageProvider(fullColorImage: image))
Sep ’20
NSPersistentCloudKitContainer does not sync in background
I am currently testing the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. I have strictly followed the guidelines of the new documentation. Basically everything works as desired. I use the option NSPersistentStoreRemoteChangeNotificationPostOptionKey on the description to receive Updates from the remote data store. But the updates from the remote database are only delivered if the app is in the foreground. But I would like to update my widget based on a data change in the backend. Does anyone has an idea how to solve this issues? What i did so far: Background Modes in Capabilities are enabled Push Notifications are enabled i called registerForRemoteNotifications HistoryTracking and RemoteChange Option are enabled on the description of the PersistentStore Syncing works in foreground ✅ Syncing does not work if App is in Background ❌                                forKey: NSPersistentStoreRemoteChangeNotificationPostOptionKey)         description?.setOption(true as NSNumber,                                forKey: NSPersistentHistoryTrackingKey)                  container.viewContext.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true         container.viewContext.mergePolicy = NSOverwriteMergePolicy
Sep ’20