




Use of WidgetConfigurationIntent WidgetKit configurable parameter unable to internationalization of the title?
struct DeployAndWithdrawDefensesAppIntent: WidgetConfigurationIntent { // An example configurable parameter. @Parameter(title:LocalizedStringResource("ax_alarm_device_name")) } In the process of using iOS widgetKit development team a, configuration item title need language internationalization (@ Parameter (title: LocalizedStringResource (" ax_alarm_device_name "))), but found no effect. I first changed the language of the system on the iphone and found that the widget worked. However, just changing the language of the app did not take effect. Is there any way to just change the app language and make the widgets change? Thank you very much!
Jan ’25
Can't Widgetkit use lottie to implement the isOn state of toggle?
I introduced lottie to toggle in my widget to show a transition animation, but found that the.json file wouldn't load. The loading_hc.json file is validated and exists in the widget target. Ask for help, thank you! struct LottieView: UIViewRepresentable { let animationName: String func makeUIView(context: Context) -> LOTAnimationView { let lotAnimationView = LOTAnimationView(name: animationName, bundle: .main) lotAnimationView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit return lotAnimationView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: LOTAnimationView, context: Context) { } func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator { Coordinator() } } struct ControlToggleDisarmingStyle: ToggleStyle { func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View { if configuration.isOn { LottieView(animationName: "loading_hc.json").foregroundColor(.clear).frame(width: 24,height: 24) } else { Image("icon_disarm", bundle: Bundle.main).foregroundColor(.clear) } } }
Jan ’25
Timeline refresh issue for widget on ios 18.2
I use AppIntent to trigger a widget refresh, Appint is used on Button or Toggle,as follows var isAudibleArming = false struct SoundAlarmIntent: AppIntent { static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "SoundAlarmIntent" func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { isAudibleArming = true return .result() } } func timeline( for configuration: DynamicIntentWidgetPersonIntent, in context: Context ) async -> Timeline { var entries: [Entry] = [] let currentDate = Date() let entry = Entry(person: person(for: configuration)) entries.append(entry) if isAudibleArming { let entry2 = Entry(person: Person(name: "Friend4", dateOfBirth: currentDate.adding(.second, value: 6))) entries.append(entry2) } return .init(entries: entries, policy: .never) } The timeline function fires, with entry corresponding to view1 and entry2 corresponding to view2. I expect to show view1 immediately and view2 6 seconds later. You get the correct response on iOS17. But the 6 second delay function on the discovery code in iOS18.2 takes effect immediately, view1 flashes, view2 appears immediately instead of waiting 6 seconds to appear.
Dec ’24