I am using NLTagger to tag lexical classes of words, but it suddenly just stopped working. I boiled my code down to the most basic version, but it's never executing the closure of the enumerateTags() function. What do I have to change or what should I try?
for e in sentenceArray {
let cupcake = "I like you, have a cupcake"
tagger.string = cupcake
tagger.enumerateTags(in: cupcake.startIndex..<cupcake.endIndex, unit: .word, scheme: .nameTypeOrLexicalClass) { tag, range in
return true
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Since the last update to iPad OS15 and my macOS Monterey Beta, I cannot launch anything on my iPad. The app gets virtually tapped on my iPad but won't start. Xcode then says: "Could not launch "[app name]" failed to get the task for process -1"
I already checked that I am signed in with my developer account, restarted my Mac and my iPad and cleaned the Build Folder. What else can I do to troubleshoot?