




Comment on SwiftUI Transformable: support drag to Finder on macOS
Hi. Would this be required even if I don't have a 'custom type' to define in my app? I just have a list of files with their URLs on disk that I want the user to be able to drag out to Finder. Everything works fine for dragging out to other apps (like Mail, Notes), but not to Finder. In this case, is there a general file extension or MIME type that I would add?
Comment on NSOutlineView with Diffable Data Source
I have a Mac app that uses NSOutlineView in the app's sidebar, which has collapsible 'sections' of items in the sidebar (like in the Apple Music app). It works with regular NSOutlineViewDataSource but I was having a few issues with the implementation, and I was considering replacing that with a DiffableDataSource. However, when initializing `NSTableViewDiffableDataSource', I can't pass in a NSOutlineView. I just want a table view with 'sections' that can be used in the Mac app's sidebar.
Dec ’24
Comment on ContactAccessButton and contactAccessPicker in UIKit
What about contactAccessPicker? That seems to be a view modifier. From what I can tell, I have to present a UIHostingViewController, which will then present this view on top of that (causing a double presentation). Is there a way to avoid that, to I present contactAccessPicker directly, without needing to present a separate UIViewController first?
Aug ’24
Comment on Disable new tab bar look
I filed one (FB13841043) 2 months ago, and was recently updated with a message saying "the behavior you experienced is currently functioning as intended". Basically the recommendation is to use UITabBarController.isTabBarHidden API and create a custom control if you can't work with the new tab bar design. Personally, I think it's ridiculous that they would make major changes to standard behavior that's been around since UIKit was introduced in iOS2.0, without offering a simple opt-out option.
Aug ’24
Comment on Crash in iOS18
I haven't gotten any update on the feedback request I filed 6 weeks ago (with a test sample project). Can someone comment there or here to let me know if there's any plan to fix this issue, or is it "working as expected" and I have to come up with a workaround for it?
Aug ’24
Comment on Disable new tab bar look
This is not what I was asking. My question was "Is there a way to revert to the old iPad UITabBar look and placement that we've been using before?" Currently, as of Beta4, the answer is 'No', which is frankly bizarre. How can one make a change so fundamental to how many iPad apps work without offering an option to keep the old behavior? This is really terrible from both a developer and user perspective. I filed FB13841043 6 weeks ago ... as of now, it's not been acknowledged or responded to.
Jul ’24
Comment on Crash in iOS18
Hi, Thanks, and you're right ... I use the dequeReusableCellWithIdentifier: to create a cell for sizing the collectionView cell dynamically (in collectionView:collectionViewLayout:sizeForItemAtIndexPath: Using self.collectionNameCell = [[ContactNameCollectionViewCell alloc] init] does prevent the crash, but the cell isn't sized anymore so it shows as empty.
Jun ’24