[tags:machine learning,vision]

102 results found

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Thank you very much. Is any information about how to translate from vision bounding box cgrect to UIKit coordinate space in objective c? I didn't found any page with information. In the tutorial that you attach there are some function en swift that i can't translate to objective c. This one: let rectangles = boxesAndPayload.map { $0.box } .map { CGRect(origin: $0.origin.translateFromCoreImageToUIKitCoordinateSpace(using: image.size.height), size: $0.size) } Thank you for your time
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Thank you I'll take a look at that link. In general a suite of APIs similar to https://developer.apple.com/documentation/vision/identifying_3d_human_body_poses_in_images but in real time from visionOS data
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You can actually find the mentioned kernel in the Code section for this video, but only in the Apple Developer App, not on the web. If you navigate to this video in the Developer App, click the Code tab, and scroll down to the 23:05 mark, you will see the kernel!
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Into my application which is in iOS, I have two photos, one photo has been grabbed from the Identity Card of a User, and another one is, the User takes a Selfie, in the end, there will be a task to compare those two faces and have a similarity response, whether they refer to the same person or not, I was wondering there is another way apart of having an MLModel into my app, for e.g. there is a Built-in framework or class that I can use in swift?
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Hey all, You can actually find the mentioned kernel in the Code section for this video, but only in the Apple Developer - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/apple-developer/id640199958 App, not on the web. If you navigate to this video in the Developer App, click the Code tab, and scroll down to the 23:05 mark, you will see the kernel!
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Hey there, I am currently working on a project that can heavily benefit from optical flow. So I am really happy Apple provided an API to generate it. But before I will put further work into it I want to investigate how accurate the results are. In there WWDC20 presentation Apple had a very cool visualization of the optical flow using a custom CIFilter. There kernel code wasn't in the presentation but they stated they will publish it in the slide attachments. Sadly, I can't happen to find these attachments. At least they are not listed in the Resources segment for that session. Does anyone know where I might find the kernel code instead? Thanks and best regards, Max PS: Here is the link to the session I was talking about. The requested visualization can be found at 23 minutes. https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10673
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wwdc20-10673 briefly shows how to visualize optical flow generated by VNGenerateOpticalFlowRequest and sample code is available through the developer app. But how can we build the OpticalFlowVisualizer.ci.metallib file from the CI-kernel code provided as OpticalFlowVisualizer.cikernel?
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Hi, I have seen this video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2021/10041/ and in my project i am trying to draw detected barcodes. I am using Vision framework and i have the barcode position in boundingBox parameter, but i dont understand cgrect of that parameter. I am programming in objective c and i don't see resources, and for more complication i have not an image, i am capturing barcodes from video camera sesion. for parts: 1-how can i draw detected barcode like in the video (from an image). 2-how can i draw detected barcode in capturesession. I have used VNImageRectForNormalizedRect to pass from normalized to pixel, but the result is not correct. thank you very much.
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I downloaded the sample code from the WWDC 2022 session Counting human body action repetitions in a live video feed and ran it on my new iPhone SE (which has an A15 Bionic chip). Unfortunately, this sample project (whose action repetition counter was mentioned multiple times during WWDC, was extremely inconsistent in tracking reps. It rarely worked for me, which was disappointing because I was really excited about this functionality. I'd like to use this action repetition counting in an app of my own, it would be very useful if it worked, but I'm skeptical after struggling to get Apple's sample app to accurately count reps. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting this sample project or action repetition counting in general, to accurately work? Any help would be really appreciated, thanks!
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i'm learning about swiftui and machine learning(by python pytorch). I want to use machine learning in swiftui like coreml or vision. but, almost reference of coreml or vision are written in uikit. so, any references(book or lecture or document, yotube) to machine learning with swiftui?
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Hello, I am trying to integrate DetectingHandPosesWithVision to my flutter app. However, I am struggling so much, since I only know how to call each swift functions to flutter's dart file. Since DetectingHandPosesWithVision folder and my flutter app are seperate app, what would be the best approach to integrate DetectingHandPosesWithVision app to my flutter app? If I press the button in my app, I want DetectingHandPosesWithVision program to run on my app. If anybody has link explaining how to use swift files in flutter, that will be awesome too! Help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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found a solution https://betterprogramming.pub/how-to-build-a-yolov5-object-detection-app-on-ios-39c8c77dfe58 git clone https://github.com/hietalajulius/yolov5 python export-nms.py --include coreml --weights yolov5n.pt
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I'm attempting to get the Xcode model preview to work with instance segmentation models, specifically RegNetX Mask R-CNN. I've already tried using the imageSegmenter model preview type and setting it in my Core ML model specification. However, this crashes the preview when attempting to load the model. I believe this might be due to a slightly different output format. The model I'm using gives three outputs: Detections with bounding boxes, (x1, y1, x2, y2, confidence) Labels, the index of the detected label Masks, 28×28 image, which should be resized to the dimensions of the bounding boxes and fit on the x1, y1 position I'm not sure how the Xcode preview handles different output formats, or if it only supports one specific format. Ultimately, my goal in this effort is to use the Vision framework for instance segmentation models. I'm not sure if this is currently supported, as I am unable to find proper information on existing solutions. I'm also unsure which VN object would be necessary for this, if it even e