
146 results found






macOS Widget query data from local app
I would like to create a Widget for macOS that queries for data stored and managed by an installed macOS native app. Is it possible to use a URLSession to query and return locally stored data from an installed macOS application instead of doing a network request ? This would use the deep link URL associated and registered with the local app. Any security issues to be aware of? Thanks
Jun ’20
Reply to iOS 14
When it is ready. Or when it needs to be released (like when new devices are available to the market). Apple is not a company that normally announce release dates in advance, it's not how they operate. Without speculating on the final release date, you may count on it being a number of beta releases during the summer and the (early) autumn and each beta release tend to have one or a couple of weeks between them.
Jun ’20
WidgetKit app in Obj C Project
Im interested in adding a Widget into my Mix Obj C / Swift project and i believe i can, i understand WidgetKit is SwiftUI but as its an extension i can add it to my ObjC project. My question is (similar to WCSession), is WidgetCenter the framework used in the Main App, to Reload the widget etc. And if so how would you go about doing that in an ObjC project, or how do you reload widget for your main ObjC/Swfit App? Thanks!
Jun ’20
Reply to macOS Widget query data from local app
Is the macOS app in the same team as the one that your widget is in? If so, you should use a shared group container to share the data. You can get some details on how to do this here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsfilemanager/1412643-containerurlforsecurityapplicati and some older (but still relevant) info here: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/ExtensionScenarios.html While widgets can use URLSession to do network requests, it sounds like that may be overkill for your situation.
Jun ’20
Reply to Old Widget
WidgetKit widgets are fundamentally different than the NotificationCenter widgets. They have a completely different design (both in terms of interface design and technical) and cannot be automatically updated. There are a bunch of great sessions this week that are packed with great information, so definitely check them all out. There's also a ton of helpful information in the Human Interface Guidelines for these new widgets: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ios/system-capabilities/widgets/ And technical reference material and articles: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/widgetkit
Jun ’20
Reply to macOS Widget query data from local app
Yes both the Widget and the macOS app would be in the same team. However that app data to be surfaced within the widget is not contained in a file but in a SQLite database. So I understand correctly, I would have to create an AppExtension of type Action that would perform the proper data retrieval request on the shared database file. Then the widget could leverage that App Extension to extract retrieved data and have those displayed in the Widget UI. Let me know if solution path makes sense. Thanks for your reply.
Jun ’20