Hi. I’m not sure where to post it, but after 1.5 years with the AWU2 the main Watch face is still bugged, missing seconds (two digit) in format. In the attached example it shows “06:30:5” for 10 seconds until it hits ”06:31:00”. I’m not sure if it’s only related to Danish AWU’s. But it is so annoying, and has forced me to change watch to Garmin in the past. PLEASE FIX IT, please please.
Face Sharing
RSS for tagShare watch faces for Apple Watch within your watchOS and iOS apps or host them on the web for anyone to find and download.
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I have installed IOS18 and WatchOS11 Beta 3 already... all complications sent to clock (usign FACER app) is not showing up... they all appears DISABLED.
doesnt matter what face watch i use.., its all disabled.
Any help on it please????
I'm in the planning stages of developing and xcode iPhone app and as a new user who's looking for feedback on my wireframes from friends, I'm curious if there's a way to send app previews over the internet to people without xcode and without iphones? I'm imagining some kind of web-representation of an iphone that I user can interact with, with a mouse.