Health and Fitness

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Use HealthKit to enable your iOS and watchOS apps to work with the Apple Health app.

Posts under Health and Fitness tag

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HealthKit permissions not honoring user selection
I'm dealing with a strange bug where I am requesting read access for 'appleExerciseTime' and 'activitySummaryType', and despite enabling both in the permission sheet, they are being set to 'sharingDenied'. I'm writing a Swift Test for making sure permissions are being granted. @Test func PermissionsGranted() { try await self.manager.getPermissions() for type in await manager.allHealthTypes { let status = await manager.healthStore.authorizationStatus(for: type) #expect(status == .sharingAuthorized, "\(type) authorization status is \(status)") } } let healthTypesToShare: Set<HKSampleType> = [ HKQuantityType(.bodyMass), HKQuantityType(.bodyFatPercentage), HKQuantityType(.leanBodyMass), HKQuantityType(.activeEnergyBurned), HKQuantityType(.basalEnergyBurned), HKObjectType.workoutType() ] let allHealthTypes: Set<HKObjectType> = [ HKQuantityType(.bodyMass), HKQuantityType(.bodyFatPercentage), HKQuantityType(.leanBodyMass), HKQuantityType(.activeEnergyBurned), HKQuantityType(.basalEnergyBurned), HKQuantityType(.appleExerciseTime), HKObjectType.activitySummaryType() ] let healthStore = HKHealthStore() func getPermissions() async throws { try await healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: self.healthTypesToShare, read: self.allHealthTypes) } After 'getPermissions' runs, the permission sheet shows up on the Simulator, and I accept all. I've double checked that the failing permissions show up on the sheet and are enabled. Then the test fails with: Expectation failed: (status → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1)) == (.sharingAuthorized → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 2)) HKActivitySummaryTypeIdentifier authorization status is HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1) Expectation failed: (status → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1)) == (.sharingAuthorized → HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 2)) HKActivitySummaryTypeIdentifier authorization status is HKAuthorizationStatus(rawValue: 1) With the rawValue of '1' being 'sharingDenied'. All other permissions are granted. Is there a workaround here, or something I'm potentially doing wrong?
Inquiry About Background Permission Issue in My App
I am writing to address a concern regarding the background permission functionality in my app, which is critical for ensuring user safety as they navigate various terrains. This feature also enables users to smoothly record their navigation tracks for review after their activities. Recently, I've noticed that this functionality is not working as seamlessly as before. Additionally, I observed that the app is not categorized under 'health and fitness'—could reclassifying it improve background activity? Before I delve into a detailed code review, I wanted to check if this issue might be related to sync or settings on the App Store side, such as permission configurations, app updates, or other related factors. Or, is it more likely an issue stemming from the app’s codebase?
Workout not showing for import on Strava
I have a workout app which I am testing on device currently via TestFlight. The generated workout (tennis and indoor) shows in the fitness app with correct HR and duration. However, when I go to my Strava app, it does not show in the list of workouts for importing. (note, activities tracked using the regular tennis mode on the Apple Watch show fine) I have also concurrently reached out to Strava support to see if there's anything they can offer support for. However, does anybody here have any knowledge/experience of the requirement? Or whether this is a limitation of an application deployed via TestFlight? I have a terrible feeling I am chasing ghosts, and it may be a TestFlight limitation for exporting workouts? Thanks
Change displayed metric in Fitness app
Good afternoon, I am working on a workout tracking app. So far everything is working as expected. However, I note that when my workout saves and is visible within the Fitness App, the workout duration is displayed rather than the kCal burned. What changes are required to be made in order for this to display the kCal in the list of workouts in Fitness rather than duration? For reference this was my reference source for workout functionality.
Is Using EAS Update (OTA) Compliant with Apple App Store Policies for a Health App?
Hi everyone, I’m developing a health-related mobile app and considering using EAS Update to deliver over-the-air (OTA) updates for JavaScript code and assets. Before implementing this, I want to ensure that this approach complies with Apple App Store policies, especially given the sensitivity of health-related apps. Here are my concerns: Does using EAS Update (OTA) align with Apple’s guidelines regarding app updates and dynamic behavior changes? Are there specific rules or restrictions for health apps using OTA updates that I should be cautious of? Could this approach be flagged as violating Apple’s policies on app integrity, especially those requiring updates to go through the App Store review process? I’d greatly appreciate any insights, advice, or references to Apple’s official documentation regarding OTA updates for apps distributed through the App Store. Thanks in advance for your help!
Deprecated: HKCategoryValueMenstrualFlow
We currently use the HKCategoryValueMenstrualFlow enum to determine the type of menstrual flow: light, medium, etc. a user is having. We also use this enum in determining if it's an actual period day. The Problem I see HKCategoryValueMenstrualFlow was recently deprecated but has not been replaced by another data type. Are there plans to replace/update it with another data type? When or at what point in the future will this deprecation cause a problem in my code?
HealthKit SDK Not Responding When Querying Step Data on iPhone 16 Pro Max
We have working code to fetch step data from HealthKit after requesting the necessary permissions. However, we’ve encountered an issue specific to one device, the iPhone 16 Pro Max. When querying the data, we do not receive a response, and the code enters an infinite loading state without completing the request. The user who is facing this issue has tried logging in on another device, and it works fine. On the problematic device (iPhone 16 Pro Max), the request does not complete. For reference, I’ve included the code below. Resolving this issue is crucial, so we would appreciate any guidance on what steps we can take to troubleshoot or resolve the problem on this specific device. Please note that the device has granted permission to access HealthKit data. static let healthStore = HKHealthStore() static func limitReadFromHealthKitBetweenDates(fromDate: Date, toDate: Date = Date(), completion: @escaping ([HKStatistics]) -> Void) { guard let stepsQuantityType = HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: .stepCount) else { return } let ignoreUserEntered = HKQuery.predicateForObjects(withMetadataKey: HKMetadataKeyWasUserEntered, operatorType: .notEqualTo, value: true) let now = toDate var interval = DateComponents() = 1 var calendar = Calendar.current calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_US_POSIX") var anchorComponents = calendar.dateComponents([.day, .month, .year], from: now) anchorComponents.hour = 0 let anchorDate = anchorComponents) ?? Date() let query = HKStatisticsCollectionQuery(quantityType: stepsQuantityType, quantitySamplePredicate: ignoreUserEntered, options: [.cumulativeSum], anchorDate: anchorDate, intervalComponents: interval) query.initialResultsHandler = { _, results, error in guard let results = results else { print("Error returned from resultHandler: \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))") return } print(results) var statisticsArray: [HKStatistics] = [] results.enumerateStatistics(from: fromDate, to: now) { statistics, _ in statisticsArray.append(statistics) if statistics.endDate.getddmmyyyyslashGMT == now.getddmmyyyyslashGMT { completion(statisticsArray) } } } healthStore.execute(query) } Please note that the code works on all devices except the problematic one. Could you please guide me on the next steps to resolve this issue?
User-Entered Sleep Data Lacks Time Zone
As a user, there are times when I don't wear my sleep tracker to bed, but I nonetheless want to record my sleep times. Apple Health supports this with the "Add Data" feature, but it's not possible to provide a time zone in the form. Then as a developer, user-added sleep samples are missing time zone information. I would expect that the time zone is requested within the Add Data form. Without this information provided at input time, downstream applications are forced to infer the time zone ourselves, leading to potentially buggy or unintuitive behavior.
Unable to access details page for vehicle crash entitlement (SafetyKit)
Hi, I am part of a team working to incorporate vehicle crash detection using SafetyKit. However, I am unable to know more details about this entitlement since the details page ( is showing an unauthorised message as shown in the image below. All the latest licenses have been reviewed and agreed to. Please let me know what can be done to access this link and know the details of this entitlement.
Why do we still have the 7 day limitation of HealthKit data on Apple Watch?
It may have made sense in the early days of watchOS, but given the Apple Watch is now 10 years old and we have "Standalone" Apple Watch apps, it no longer makes sense to have this seemingly arbitrary limitation of only being able to query 7 days of data on the watch. I have an open feedback (FB7649612) from 2020 with no responses and ask this question every year at WWDC Developer labs. WHY must we still deal with this limitation which only causes other developers to store critical health data in iCloud or on their own servers in order to provide a robust stand alone watch experience on the Apple Watch. Even Apple themselves must either use a separate private API or use iCloud for the new Vitals app. How else can I escalate this request?
Dec ’24
Apple Watch 8 OS11.2 not synching my activity (intermittently)
My Apple Watch after the beta update is not syncing the activities sometimes with Apple Health. I just completed a 2.5 km walk, and it showed on Apple Health, yes, but it did not affect my daily goals. This is not the first time this has happened; this is just one of the examples that I'm sharing, other than what has been some problems that I am seeing after the beta update. Additionally, the camera remote app is not working correctly as I cannot see anything on the watch screen like I used to.
Nov ’24
HKWorkoutSession.sendToRemoteWorkoutSession doesn't report success or failure
We are seeing an issue where sending data using the asynchronous method HKWorkoutSession.sendToRemoteWorkoutSession(data: Data) will never return in some cases (no success nor failure). This issue is happening for roughly 5% of Workouts started and will stay broken for the whole workout. The other 95% of the workouts, the connection works flawlessly. This happens on both watchOS 10 and 11, and with phones running iOS 17 or 18. The issue is quite random and not reproducible. Our app has thousands of workouts a day that use the workout session workout data send, with constant messages being send every few seconds. In some of those 5% cases the "sendToRemoteWorkoutSession" will throw way later, like 30+ minutes later, if the watch app is awake long enough to capture a log of a failure. Our code uses the same flow as in the sample project: Here is some sample code, which is pretty simple. Setup code: let workoutSession = try HKWorkoutSession(healthStore: healthStore, configuration: configuration) workoutSession.delegate = self activeWorkoutSession?.startMirroringToCompanionDevice { success, error in print("Mirroring started on companion device: \(success), error: \(error)") } workoutSession?.prepare() then later we send data using the workout session: do { print("Will send data") try await workoutSession.sendToRemoteWorkoutSession(data: data) print("Successfully sent data") // This nor the error may be called after waiting extensive amounts of time } catch { print("Failed to send data, error: \(error)") // This nor the success may be called after waiting extensive amounts of time } So far, the only fix is to restart the phone and watch at the same time, which is not a great user experience. Is anyone else seeing this issue? or know how to fix this issue?
Nov ’24
HealthKit: Exercise Minutes Not Saving After iOS 18.1 Update
I'm working on an app that reads and writes exercise minutes to HealthKit. Everything functions correctly up to iOS 18.0.1, but starting from iOS 18.1, my implementation is no longer working as expected. Here's the code snippet I use to write to HealthKit: let workout = HKWorkout(activityType: .other, start: startDate, end: endDate) try await This code successfully writes to both workouts and exercise minutes in iOS 18.0.1 and earlier. However, from iOS 18.1, it only writes to workouts and not to the exercise minutes data source. Has anyone encountered this issue or have insights on how to resolve this?
Nov ’24
HKCumulativeQuantitySample does not accumulate values
Hi, My app reports daily step counts, and I’m trying to use HKCumulativeQuantitySample to report them to HealthKit by adding such objects with each update: let sample = HKCumulativeQuantitySample(type: .stepCount, quantity: HKQuantity(unit: HKUnit.count(), doubleValue: dailyTotal), start: startOfDay, end: nowDate) However, HealthKit interprets them as regular samples—it sums them into a global aggregate instead of updating the daily cumulative value. So if I report the daily step count as 500 and then 550, HealthKit interprets it as 1,050 steps instead of 550. Is this expected behavior? If so, what is HKCumulativeQuantitySample intended for, and how should it be used? I’m struggling to find any examples. Thank you
Nov ’24
Unable to retrieve certain data during live workout
I'm currently trying to collect some of the following data whilst running a workout in a WatchOS app I'm building. Below are the data points I'm trying to retrieve: HKQuantityType.init(.heartRate) HKQuantityType.init(.oxygenSaturation) HKQuantityType.init(.respiratoryRate) HKQuantityType.init(.bloodPressureSystolic) HKQuantityType.init(.bloodPressureDiastolic) HKQuantityType.init(.heartRateVariabilitySDNN) I'm using the following delegate function workoutBuilder(_:didCollectDataOf:) which is part of HKLiveWorkoutBuilderDelegate Something I'm realising whilst running this on the simulator and on my Apple Watch is out of all of the Quantity types I'm requesting. Only the heart rate is being called via the delegate function when trying to retrieve the statistic. Is this the intended behaviour of this API? Since there's no docs about what is and isn't exposed
Nov ’24
Stands not detected
I have FB12696743 open since July 21, 2023 and this happened again today. I get home at approx 10 mins after the hour, walk appox 50 ft across my yard, up 5 steps into my house, let the dog out and pace on my deck watching the dog, go back in the house walk around the kitchen while preparing dinner. A total of about 200 ft. I sit down about 35 past the hour and start to eat and at 10 mins to the next our and I get the reminder to stand. On the other side I wake up at 5 mins to hour. Walk 8 steps to the bathroom and successfully achieve the stand for that hour. WHY!?!?!? 😁🤣
Oct ’24
Seeking Feedback on an Idea: Real-Time Siri Running Coach for iOS
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. I’m not a developer, but I have an idea for an iOS app that I’d love to get your thoughts on. I wanted to share it here to gather feedback from this knowledgeable community and to learn from your expertise. Idea Overview: Real-Time AI Running Coach for iOS The concept is an iOS application that provides personalized, real-time running coaching by leveraging on-device data sources and Apple’s latest technologies. The app aims to offer an adaptive and motivating running experience while ensuring user privacy through on-device processing. Key Features: • Personalized Coaching: • Utilize real-time biometric data and personal insights to deliver AI-driven coaching tailored to the user’s mental and physical state. • Analyze health metrics, activity data, mood check-ins, and more to provide context-based motivational feedback. • Privacy First: • All data processing occurs on-device using Apple’s frameworks like Core ML, ensuring no personal data leaves the device. • Adaptive Motivation: • Implement Natural Language Processing to analyze user inputs like journal entries or mood check-ins. • Generate personalized coaching cues based on historical performance and mood trends. • Performance Enhancement: • Offer dynamic adjustments to pace, route, and strategy in real time to help improve running performance. • Seamless integration with Apple Watch for real-time data collection and haptic feedback. Technologies and Frameworks Involved: • HealthKit: Access health metrics such as heart rate, distance run, VO₂ max, sleep patterns, etc. • Core ML: On-device machine learning for real-time data analysis without latency. • Natural Language Processing: Analyze personal inputs for better coaching personalization. • Core Motion & Core Location: Track motion data and location services for runs. • AVFoundation & Speech: Provide real-time voice feedback and coaching cues. • SiriKit Integration: Allow users to initiate workouts and receive updates via Siri. Target Audience: • Runners of all levels seeking personalized coaching that adapts to their mental and physical states. • Users who prioritize privacy and want AI-driven insights without their data leaving the device. • Tech-savvy fitness enthusiasts who use iOS devices and Apple wearables. Questions for the Community: 1. Feasibility: Is this idea technically achievable using current iOS frameworks and technologies? 2. Data Access: Are there limitations in accessing and processing the necessary data on-device, especially regarding privacy and permissions? 3. Potential Challenges: What hurdles might developers face in creating such an app, and how could they be addressed? 4. Advice: As someone without a technical background, what steps would you recommend I take to move this idea forward? I truly appreciate any feedback or insights you can provide. I’m excited about the potential of this idea but also aware there may be complexities I’m not considering. Thank you for taking the time to read this! Best regards, Paul
Oct ’24
Run Application In The Background Automation
I’ve developed an automation and shortcut using the iPhone Shortcuts app in IOS 18, something that hasn’t been done before. With support from Apple’s customer service, I was encouraged to bring this idea to life. The automation’s purpose is to open a specified iOS app, move it to the background, and use a txt database in Folders to ensure uninterrupted data flow and continuous connectivity—especially useful for health apps where wearable devices need consistent, uninterrupted operation and monitoring (e.g., doctor tracking or wearable device connectivity). I would like to share the Automation and the Shortcut with the community.
Oct ’24
HealthKit data - Is HKStatisticsCollectionQuery slow?
Hi, I am using HealthKit for the first time. I am using HKStatisticsCollectionQuery. I am running my code iOS 17 on a physical iPhone. It takes several seconds to query data, for example 1 day worth of heart rate at 1 minute resolution. I changed the resolution to 1 hour, expecting it to be faster, but it's pretty much the same… I have been following the official documentation and sample code. I also compiled in Release, but that didn't really help for HKStatisticsCollectionQuery. I quickly looked with Instruments, the app is spending a lot of time in decoding data with NSXPCDecoder. Is there a way to speed data retrieval? Or this is "expected" latency?
Oct ’24