Update Live Activities with push notifications

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Tracking pushTokenUpdates and activityStateUpdates when app isn't running
Hello team, I'm looking for advice, please, about how to track updates to Activity.pushTokenUpdates and Activity.activityStateUpdates if my app isn't running. These two async sequences work great when my app is running, but that information is just as important if, for some reason, my app isn't running. In the WWDC video Update Live Activities with push notifications, the presenter says: when the system requests a new push token for an existing activity, your app will be given foreground runtime to handle it accordingly I was hoping that my app to be launched in the background... but I don't see how that would work unless there's a new call via the AppDelegate. Follow-up question... is there any documentation for the scenarios when a push token might be replaced for a live activity? Thank-you! Matthew
Sep ’23
How to integrate Live Activity into Objective C projects ?
I have a food delivery app similar to Uber Eat it was developed in Objective C now the requirement is to implement the Live activity for tracking the Active orders in live Activity. As i tried Live activity over the Swift it is working fine on all IOS Devices but when i implement that swift code into Objective C using all the standards by Bridging between Swift and Obj C copied the same code, There is no Error or Warning i am seeing in Live activity functionality in Objective C, but Live Activity UI can't seen on Lockscreen even i have checked in settings my app is showing that it supports Live Activity but no view. Can somebody help me out in that how to integrate live activity into Objective C project?
Sep ’23
How to dismiss live activity notification from Watch?
If you update live activity with alertConfiguration: argument, iPhone shows a notification (or expands dynamic island): await runningActivity.update(content, alertConfiguration: .init(title: "Alert", body: "Done!", sound: .default)) Paired Watch presents a notification as well: I cannot find a way to dismiss that live activity notification from Watch. Is there a way to remove it similarly to UNUserNotifications? UNUserNotificationCenter.current().removeDeliveredNotifications(withIdentifiers: [notificationID])
Jul ’23