License Agreement has been updated

In Development Center , there is a notice :

The Apple Developer Program License Agreement has been updated.

In order to access certain membership resources, you must accept the latest license agreement. First, you’ll need to update the mobile phone number associated with your Apple ID. Your mobile phone number must be based in your country/region. Edit this number in the Account section of, and return to your developer account to continue.

But here comes the question : I have already add my phone number in . I even add two phone numbers , but when I come back to Developer Center , the same notice is still show on the top and there is only the Edit Phone Number icon on the right . Why ? What's the problem?



  1. I'm sure that I have add corrent phone number (already two numbers!)
  2. I have checked my contry / region , language and payment & shipping address was correct.
  3. I have tried to change address to America (want to change back then) , but failed , nothing happend when I click save button.
Answered by suliu in 307685022

I solved it through the following steps

1. Add the correct mobile phone number first

2. Change the country, do not fill it in the wrong place, save it

Mee too!

Apple! Hurry up to fix it!

Apple! Hurry up to fix it!

Apple! Hurry up to fix it!

me too,400670185 has no reply also.

me too,call developer 4006701855 for many times, but no response,

Accepted Answer

I solved it through the following steps

1. Add the correct mobile phone number first

2. Change the country, do not fill it in the wrong place, save it

did you then change the Country back?

If you change the Country, agreements will change too.

me too

Thank you, it worked for me !


First I added a phone number and saved it, then I changed the Country to HongKong, after filling the blanks and saving it, I'm able to accept the Agreement after relogging in!

Finally I changed the Country back to China and everything is right.

me to, same issue, waiting for 41 minutes, but nobody can answer.....

Thank you very much, this is effective!

It works for me ! THX~

But I'm sure that I have tried this at the day when I post this question . However , no matter how hard I tried to change my conutry to HongKong . It still keep the contry as China . At last , I gave up and post this question here . Now I see your answer and go to try again , wow ! It works ! The country was changed to HongKong ! And after I came back to the Developer Center , the notice on the top changed . Not F**king edit phone number any more !

Thanks a lot ~


I'll try it.thanks.stupid bug.stupid apple!

Thank you very mush, it worked for me too!

I called at least 90 minutes to get answered. But no solution was given.

I remembered clarely that I didnot change my security questions.

Apple changed my questions?????

Big Bug Apple.

No official person here to be responsible for this?

I called for three hours and did not give a solution. Your answer did not solve the problem. I modified the shipping address, but the account address could not be modified. So far, the failure remains. Seek a solution....

License Agreement has been updated