Can't turn off content restriction on IOS12

So I was exploring IOS12, then I decided to play with the content restrictions on IOS12, but it won't actually turn off the website block after the restriction was lifted.

Steps to repro

- Get IOS12

- Navigate to settings

- Click on screen time

- Click on privacy & content restrictions

- Click on web content under web content

- Click on limit adult website or allowed website only

- go to a browser and go to a website

- observe as the website should be blocked

- go and turn restrictions off

- go to a website and observe as you can't access any website and you can't unblock it.

Ways I tried to fix

- Reboot device

- turn screen time off

- tried to turn off screen time

- tried to factory settings reset

- tried to manually add the website in the content restrictions.


See the post here that talks about the same thing you are experiencing: