Smart App Banner and apple-app-site-association file relation


I have been struggling to understand how the smart app banners are displayed in safari even though no meta tag is present on any of our website page. My assumption is that, apple-app-site-association file is being used automatically to display the banners on our website, is this true?

I have read through all the documentation and WWDC videos from 2015(Session 509) to make sure this assumtion is valid but unfortunately there is no link between the smart app banners and apple-app-site-association file.

My requirement is: We still want to support the universal links but remove the smart app banners on our website.



I appear to have the same problem. Is it because the domain is tied into the app via Universal Links?
There are several states the smart app banner can display in, and only some of them are affected by the inclusion of the meta tag. Specifically, the meta tag allows for the display of a store banner (which when tapped shows the store product page for an app) or the app clip banner (which invokes the app clip card when tapped). Additionally, if an app supports universal links, is installed, and the current URL matches the universal link patterns set in your apple-app-site-associations file we display an open button for the user to switch from Safari to your app.

For this last case, if you do not want this banner to display, ensure that the specific URL is not matched by your universal link patterns.

Please let me know if you found a solution for this issue. I also have the similar issue @gsumit

Smart App Banner and apple-app-site-association file relation