We've lots and lots going on at startup, but in particular we've some items which can for a very short period of time block the main thread, causing a UITableView stutter on scroll.
Using the 'System Trace' tool, we can clearly see on the Main Thread some 'blocked' states. However, I'm finding it difficult to pinpoint down in code where this happens.
If I find the 'mach_msg_trap' associated with a particular blocking item, the Stack on the right has a basic stack (see: https://imgur.com/a/tNnXQvh), but double clicking on main brings a function which couldn't possibly be the cause of a blocker (as it's a ViewModel which in this case doesn't get initialized in this flow).
Is it possible to fixture out, even what thread is blocking, so I can find that thread at the time, and look at it's call stack?